CH. 29 Stupid Courage

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We traveled for what seemed like a few hours through the snowy terrain. I tried doing what Ben said and focused on trying to get the clouds in the sky to clear, but nothing I thought or whispered worked as the snowflakes kept falling to the ground. For a moment, I thought that the storm was starting to slow down, but then the wind nearly sent me flying, and I hugged myself tighter.

Maybe I need to use my hands?

I stopped as Ben continued on in front of me and raised my hands in the air. I inhaled slowly and then exhaled, gathering up as much energy as I could; then, as if I was pushing the clouds apart myself, I waved my hands apart with a woosh. Instantly, the clouds reacted, and a sense of foreboding overwhelmed me as they darkened and the wind grew worse.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ben yelled.

"I was trying to get rid of the storm like you said!" He stomped through the snow back to me, and I gulped while stealing a glance at the bag on his back carrying the urn...

"You just made the storm worse! And you've just alerted Morgana as to where you are!" His voice boomed, and I flinched.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..." I couldn't help looking at the bag again. He traced my gaze to his shoulder and furrowed his brows. Was he going to use it on me now that I'd made everything worse?

"You could get us killed!" He sighed and shook his head; then, wordlessly, he turned back around and continued trudging through the snow. I furrowed my brows as I stood there.

"Why are you making me feel bad when I don't even know what I'm doing?" He paused for a moment and turned around slowly. "For all I know, you could be one of Morgana's henchmen and not the real Ben. Maybe you brainwashed me into thinking you were Ben so that you could lead me into Morgana's trap." He narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"That is—"

"If you are really a master in the ways of the Kai-gons, why don't you use your magic to help me get rid of this instead of putting it all on my shoulders? Maybe it's because you're not really a Kai-gon." He looked to the ground as if my words had wounded him; then he looked back at me.

"You're right, I'm not a Kai-gon. I haven't used any magic in years... I don't think now is the time to try again. You begged me for help, so I'm taking you to the Kai-gon tribe. They will help you." There was a long moment of silence then as the wind blew the snowflakes around us. "As for the urn, it's for Morgana."

I looked down then, not able to meet his gaze; was I really so out of it that I was accusing Ben of being Morgana's accomplice? I looked up again to see Ben was walking again and I heaved a sigh before running to catch up with him, being careful not to trip in the snow.


We had made our way to a small cave-like structure in the mountain terrain as the storm grew worse. Ben had started a fire while I sat in the corner fiddling with my fingers. He was cutting up the bread and cheese to make us small sandwiches. We hadn't talked since I'd made the storm worse and accused him of working for Morgana...

"I'm sorry, Ben, this storm is getting to me; I just want it to all be over." He finally met my gaze and nodded.

"I understand; even the best of us can be swayed by emotions sometimes. It's a completely normal thing." I gave him a small smile before he finished making the small sandwiches. He then handed me a piece.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now