CH.13 Entangled Hearts and Hidden Agendas 🌶️

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Aurora and I arrived at Lady Fergus' castle right away. We were separated as the lady wanted to tend to Aurora and get her in some "appropriate clothing." Aurora wouldn't make eye contact with me as we arrived; I knew she wasn't pleased about me telling Richard that we were going back to Imperia tomorrow. I knew this mission was important to the princess, but I didn't know how legitimate it was. I still doubted the Snow Queen and Morgana's potential threat to our land.

What if the Snow Queen was really in the mountains? And what if she and Morgana teamed up? The thought of that made my stomach churn. I had heard the tales of the Snow Queen when I was a boy; my mother would tell me how she would freeze anyone who dared enter her palace without permission. I imagined hundreds of people frozen to death in terror by the evil Queen's ice blasts.

"Fitzgilbert!" Lord Nilsen said, knocking on my door. He had arrived with us at the palace; he and Richard seemed to be close allies. I opened the door, and he strode in, looking upset. "Rose told me some things that greatly concerned me. Then, when you went off searching for the Princess, some of my concerns were confirmed..." I inhaled slowly as he narrowed his eyes at me. I tried thinking of what to say, but no words came to mind.

"My men also told me you danced with her in the streets this afternoon... There was a familiarity to the dance that only a couple would have." I swallowed.

"M'lord, the Princess is my cousin and my friend. We were children together. There is nothing between us but friendship." He feigned a smile.

"That is good to hear; if you were to break off your engagement with my daughter, you'd be in great debt to me. We both know you wouldn't be able to pay that off." It was my turn to narrow my eyes to him. He had me cornered, and he knew it; he walked over to the end of my bed. "Especially with the rumors going on, it would be best to set sentiment aside and focus on my daughter."

"What rumors?"

"That you and the Princess are in love. Already, people are flapping their lips about how you saved her and her son from the clutches of Ignatius and Morgana. How you treat her with such care and concern, how your relationship with her echoes more than just mere friendship. The rumors spread so widely that they've drowned out the truth about your engagement to Rose." I couldn't meet his burning gaze and looked out the window; the sky was getting dark now.

"We should get to dinner, son." He was waiting for me while holding my door open. I looked to the floor, knowing I was as trapped in my circumstances as much as Aurora was.

Great, I've gotten myself into a pickle. Despite my reservations, I would have to play along for now... I could run away. After all, I would never be able to be with Aurora. She was on the path to becoming Queen; I was a former thief who had just returned to his homeland a few months ago. My title meant nothing to these lords; besides... she didn't want me anyway.

I was a phony, and I knew it; Aurora meant more to me than just a friend. The way I had gone searching for her had proved it. My heart pounded just thinking about how I had almost wanted to kiss her during our dance earlier today. Instead of forgetting myself, I played dumb and kissed her on the hand. I remembered how soft her skin felt in my calloused hands. How it was so easy to get lost in those baby blues...

Stop it, Fitzgilbert! She's right in front of you, innocently eating her food. If she knew what you were thinking, she'd have nothing to do with you.

I was at the dinner table in the parlor of Lord Fergus' castle. Our hostess, his wife, talked about how convenient it was for Aurora to visit. Yadda, yadda, yadda. It all went in one ear and out the other as I stared at my plate. I couldn't risk losing my wit and giving myself away by looking at her, especially with Rose sitting beside me. Yes, she had also joined the "Let's find crazy Aurora and bring her back home!" bandwagon.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now