CH. 18 The Chill of Reality 🌶️🌶️

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In the palace garden, I held my sleeping son close, his warmth a comforting weight against my chest. His sleeping face was a picture of serene innocence in the dappled sunlight. The gentle breeze rustled through the flowers and bushes, painting the scene with a sense of tranquility. Somewhere in the distance, birdsong added to the peaceful atmosphere, while a delicate light blue butterfly flitted past, adding a touch of beauty to the moment. I couldn't help but grin, savoring the peace that enveloped us. There was no war here, no haunting ghosts—just a simple, perfect moment of contentment. It was too perfect.

With my eyes closed, I gently rubbed Nicolas' back, feeling his soft sighs against my touch. When I opened my eyes again, I was startled to find Richard standing directly in front of me, blocking the path in the dimly lit hall leading to my room. Panic gripped me—where were the guards? Where was Luca, my protector, when I needed him most? My skirts billowed behind me as I instinctively sprinted to the opposite end of the hall, desperate to put distance between myself and Richard.

I hurried through the winding corridors, fear pulsing through my veins; I collided with someone unexpectedly.

"It's okay, Aurora, I've got you," a familiar voice assured me, and I looked up to see Kelvin's comforting face. In that moment, Richard vanished, replaced by the reassuring presence of my friend. The surroundings shifted once more, the cold stone walls melting away to reveal the familiar embrace of the forest where I had fallen asleep the night before. It dawned on me—it was a dream.

"Oh God, I was so scared," I admitted, burying my face into Kelvin's chest as he enveloped me in a comforting hug, his arms a sanctuary in the surreal landscape of my subconscious.

"I've got you now; I'm never going to let go of you again." He said softly while running his fingers through my hair. A heavenly scent infiltrated my nostrils as I breathed into his chest. Was he wearing his silly cologne again? I couldn't help but laugh softly as I sat back up to see we were in a dark room only lit by the fireplace. As I shifted slightly, feeling the weight beneath me, the realization dawned with a flutter of excitement—I was straddling Kelvin. Our closeness only amplified the intensity of the moment.

His biceps rippled as he held me there; he was so strong. When had he taken his shirt off? Heat rose to my cheeks as I realized I was only wearing my summer night dress, which was practically see-through—leaving little to the imagination. His eyes sparkled in wonder, and I let out an awkward laugh.

"I've never seen you this way before," he said in a low whisper.

"Well, that's because I'm wearing my nighty, and I'm dreaming," I said, looking away, enjoying this moment too much.

"I've never thought of you this way before," he added as if to correct his meaning. It was still intense, though, as our faces were so close now. Our noses and lips were brushing against each other. I took refuge in the crook of his neck, the intensity too much to handle.

"When I was little, I had the biggest crush on you," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I never knew that," he said softly as he held me tighter, making me shiver despite his warmth. "But then again, I was a very stupid, stupid boy." He took my chin with his index finger like he had a couple of days ago, forcing me to make eye contact with him again. He searched my gaze, and for a moment, I searched his, too. It was only a dream. Why was I so nervous? I gave in and leaned my head up, and it was then that our lips met.

Lightning shot down my spine as he deepened the kiss. His hands were in my hair then they trailed down my back all the way down to my ass. He pressed me into him, and I matched his passionate movements with my own. I played with his hair, trailed my hands down his shoulders, and rubbed his neck and chest. Our tongues tangoed in our mouths, conveying a longing that words could never capture, as if every touch was a silent declaration of our desire for one another. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away as we lost ourselves in the intoxicating sweetness of passion.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now