The spider nest

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Tavàri and Gabriel were supposed to be on a simple reconnaissance mission, but things went south when they stumbled upon a nest of giant spiders. Tavàri, being as fierce as she is, decided to fight her way out, while Gabriel, preferred to retreat and regroup. The result was a chaotic scene of webs, fangs and fire.

"Get back here, you coward!" Tavàri shouted as she swung her sword at a spider that was twice her size. She had a wicked grin on her face, enjoying the thrill of the battle.

"I'm not a coward, I'm a strategist!" Gabriel retorted as he shot an arrow from a safe distance. He had a bored expression on his face as if he had seen this all before.

"You're a strategist who can't aim for shit!" Tavàri taunted as she dodged another spider that lunged at her. She had a fiery aura around her, literally and figuratively.

"You're a rogue who can't think for shit!" Gabriel snapped back as he missed another shot. He had a frosty demeanour that contrasted with his partner's.

They continued to bicker and banter as they fought their way out of the spider nest, somehow managing to survive and complete their mission. They were an unlikely pair, but they made it work. In their own twisted way, they cared for each other.

Hey, I know it's super short but the chapters will get longer as time goes on. <3 ^^

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