A frozen tiefsicle

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Tavàri and Gabriel had a mission: to reach the summit of Mount Bosfordge and retrieve a sacred artefact from an ancient temple. It sounded easy enough until they realized that the mountain was covered in snow and ice and that the only way up was by foot. Tavàri hated the cold. She was a tiefling, a descendant of demons, and she had inherited their resistance to fire and their aversion to frost. She shivered in her fur coat, cursing every step of the way. Gabriel, on the other hand, was an elf, a master of the blade, and he seemed unfazed by the harsh weather. He wore a simple cloak and boots, he was more used to colder weather. For once the tables were turned and Gabriel was the one trying to cheer Tavàri up with jokes and stories, but Tavàri was not in the mood for humour.

"Can't you just teleport us to the top?" she asked him for the tenth time.

"No, I can't," he said patiently. "The temple is protected by a powerful ward that prevents any magical intrusion. We have to climb the old-fashioned way."

"Can't I just melt the snow with fireballs?"

"No, you can't. That would attract unwanted attention from the creatures that live on the mountain. And besides, fireballs are not very precise. You might accidentally hit me."

"Can't you just make me immune to cold like you are?"

"No, I can't. That's not how my magic works. I can only manipulate the elements around me, not inside you. And even if I could, it would be very risky. You might lose your resistance to fire, or worse."

"Fine, but can you at least shut up and let me suffer in silence?"

"No, I can't do that either. I know you can do this. You're a fierce and fearless tiefling, remember? You've faced worse things than a bit of snow."

Tavàri groaned and rolled her eyes. She wished she could punch him in his smug face, but she knew he was right. She had to endure this ordeal for the sake of their mission. And maybe, just maybe, she had to admit that he was not so bad after all. He was cold and rational, but he was also loyal and brave. And he was a powerful fighter which came in handy in a pinch.

They continued their ascent, facing blizzards, avalanches, and ice trolls along the way. They argued they bickered, and they teased each other mercilessly. But they also helped each other, they supported each other, and they saved each other's lives more than once. 

Back to a short chapter, I guess. Sorry, I'll have another longer one soon! <3 ^^

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