Rude much! (Tavàri's POV)

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We were travelling through a small village in the countryside. Gabriel is an Elf and a very smart and logical one at that. He always has a plan for everything and never lets his emotions get in the way. I, on the other hand, am a Tiefling. I am fierce and fearless and I always act on my instincts. I never back down from a challenge. You can imagine how different we are, but somehow, we get along pretty well if I do say so myself.

Anyway, we were walking through the village, looking for a place to stay for the night, when we came across a group of kids playing in the street. They were about ten years old, and they looked very bored and mischievous. As soon as they saw us, they started to make fun of us and call us names. They said things like "Look at the pointy ears!" and "What's with the horns and tail?" and "Are you two dating or something?". They were very rude and annoying, but Gabriel told me to ignore them and keep walking. He said they were just kids, and they didn't know any better.

But I couldn't stand their insults, especially when they started to throw rocks at us. One of them hit me in the shoulder, and it hurt a lot. I turned around and glared at them, ready to teach them a lesson. Gabriel tried to stop me, but it was too late. I ran towards them, shouting "You little brats! How dare you disrespect us! I'll show you what happens when you mess with a Tiefling!". The kids were scared and ran away, except for one who was too slow. I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up in the air. He was trembling and crying, begging me to let him go. I looked into his eyes and saw pure terror.

I felt a pang of guilt and realized I had gone too far. I put him down gently and apologized. "We're not monsters. We're just different." I said. " You shouldn't judge people by their appearance but by their actions. You should be kind and respectful to everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from." I said then pointed to Gabriel. "You should be a bit more like Gabriel. He's calm and rational even when provoked."

Gabriel was standing behind me, watching the whole scene with a bemused expression. He smiled and said "Well done, Tavàri. You handled that very well. You showed them both your strength and your compassion. You taught them a valuable lesson." He then turned to the kid and said "And you, young man, you learned something today too. You learned not to mess with a tiefling or an elf. You learned that diversity is not something to fear or mock, but something to celebrate and appreciate. You learned that friendship could transcend any difference." He then gave him a gold coin and said "Here, take this as a token of our goodwill. Go buy yourself some candy or something."

The kid was stunned and speechless. He took the coin and ran away, still sobbing. Gabriel and I resumed our walk, feeling proud of ourselves. We had turned a negative situation into a positive one. We had made an impact on that village, even if it was just on one kid. We had shown them what Tieflings and Elves are capable of.

This is to give you guys a better understanding of the character's personalities. The next one will be from Gabriel's POV. <3 ^^

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