A/N !!!

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Please Read before continuing <3

HELOOO MY SAD BOOK LOVERS! After a longggg wait i have finially started the book! Firstly i just wanna say thank you so much for coming back for part 2 of the horribly written heart felt book. SO many of yall have been screaming at me to post this,i am so sorry it took so long i had the most horrible writers block and on top of that i switched fandoms T-T so i had zero motivation. I know i told you all that i would be writing this throughout the December Brake buttt i was unfortunately hit with YET ANOTHER writers block. UGH THAT SUCKED. Secondly, i am so sorry that the previous book hurt yall so much, woops. I seriously did not think it would receive that much publicity- honestly that was my first every book/writing piece that I've ever written! And i realised i wrote that book so long ago that i forgot practically everything- well except the end...yeah...sorry about that one. ANYWAY so i had to re-read the entire book to refresh my memory. And can i just say- NO. i had to stop 5 times bc i HATED IT. ITS SO CRINGE AND BADLY WRITTEN. AND I WAS SO CONFUSED AT TIMES? I WAS LIKE WHY DID I ADD THAT? WHY WAS IT NECISARY!? I AM SO SO SORRY TO ANYONE WHO READ THAT. i'll try not to let yall down this time.

I also noticed how in the first book i used ALLOT of acronyms such as: ig, omg , btw etc.
I'm sorry i was used to writing as i would through texts and i didn't realise that that was not appropriate for a book. I will try to avoid doing that- So PLEASE if you notice i do it throughout the chapters TELL ME so that i can fix it.

Once again i will remind you that i do have diagnosed dyslexia so if i misspelled anything tell me pls. I have expanded my vocabulary so thats a plus, seeing as english is not my first language.

I originally wanted to finish the book and then post it buttt since yall are begging i will now be posting chapters as i write. Please be patient with me because school is starting again so its difficult to find time but yeah.

Anyway let's just go through the trigger warnings and basicly everything els drill again so yall know what to expect in this book:

-Panic Attacks.
-Mentions of Suicide.
-Mentions of Self injury.
-Mentions of Trauma.
-Mentions of Scars.
-Mentions of Bullying.
-Lil bit of gore (Blood etc.)
-Mentions of SA.
-Attempted SA.
-A tinyy bit of smut but not very explicit cuz that makes me cringe at myself.

Thats pretty much all i could think of rn sooo yeah. Be prepared for Drama!

[you can skip the following if u wanna continue with the story i just felt like yall barely know me so yea]

A little about me:

I am a new writer, i have published one completed book - well now two. I mostly post fanfiction but i do have some books of poems and stuff that are currently not published bc 1 I'm kinda embarrassed abt it and 2 its not completely finished. I have also abandoned a book in order to make this so yea gotta finish that too. I write oneshots in diffrent fandoms so if you are looking for fandoms come to my page. Although im currently only into MHA and The spiderman oneshot fandom. I prefer to write sad stuff, but i can give my best shot at lovey dovey stuff if i really wanted to, but im not the best in it. I specialise in the gory, disgusting, unfair, TMI and Traumatic truth of life, so yes i will make my characters suffer because i like it. This also means that not everything will be realistic and i may make things up as i go but i'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible. So if u got a problem with it- Deal with it<3 I am 14, my name is Luna (I will not be sharing my first name atm for privacy reasons, but this is my middle name) and i go by She/Her pronouns. How i post: so like i will either be on a spree where i post 3 chapters of like 3000 words a day orrr i will get terrible writers block and abandon the piece for days. So yeah sorry. But i will try not to rush this book, i will actually put effort into this one. Please don't judge me i am still figuring out my writing style and how to create this stuff. If you have any ideas of stuff you want in this book please do write them under this A/N [This does include what you want to be featured in this book.] I will possibly create cliffhangers on some of the chapters sooo that will be your chance to write down what you would want to happen next.

Please do not be shy to comment things, i do read them and you will find that i reply often(if i notice/ remember to) I enjoy reading your comments on how you react to the chapters, suggestions, Funny comments and or if you just wanna talk to me. You will notice that if i find a rude or offensive comment i will not reply and i will delete it, i have done it before and i am not afraid to do it again. Please do take your words into consideration when commenting, because i have had to delete a few very explicit comments that triggered some readers, i do not mind at all if you share your experiences or thoughts regarding a topic, but don't be too graphic about it [For example: i received a comment on the previous book regarding SH, Where they explained in graphic detail how good it felt and basically unintentionally telling people that they should try it. A few replied on it saying how it triggered them allot and i myself experienced it too so please be careful with your word choices. You can absolutely explain your story but please refrain frome tempting others to do so. Yes i do know this book is basically a walking trigger warning but i do put TW's in front of the parts where it explains the topic. The problem with commenting such comments is there is no trigger warnings. So if you are going to say something graphic but a TW. Thank you]

But please people, do communicate with me! You can talk to me, suggest things, comment your reactions or just basically discuss the book. I do reply.

I am currently not that open to suggestions of different fandoms buttt you can still comment them, i will see what i can arrange.
Thats about it.

I haven't posted MHA content in a while so I'm sorry if i misspelled a characters name or their personality is so off cue. Thats all..i think? Idfk anymore. Jeez this A/N is long. Lmfao sorry.

Anyway enjoy my lovelies xx

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