Chapter 5: Sorry's

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After 3 days RG and Aizawa couldn't keep bakugo in the hospital bed anymore. He wanted to get out and see him. Talk to him. Apologise to him.

Everyone had exited the room. Leaving bakugo and the corpse behind the curtains alone. He stood there for a moment. Hesitating whether or not he should see him, tell him. He had once heard that people in a coma could hear you, thats why he had talked to him every day. In hopes that he would hear him. But now, he really hoped he wouldn't be able to hear him. He needed to come clean, he needed to tell the one person who understood the most. He needed to tell someone. It was killing him.

The teen pulled back the rough curtains to reveal the familiar slim boy on the mattress. His curly green hair pushed to the sides of his head that was laid on a pillow. The hard hospital blanket was pushed to the bottom of the bed, barely covering his feet. It was replaced with an Almight duvet. His duvet. Curtesy of Bakugo who threw a scene over the rough paper like hospital sheets. The duvet covered him up to his shoulders, this was to provide izuku privacy. His arms weren't in the best shape, although his injuries were healed it still left plenty of horrifying scars. They were all a deep reddish purple color. His cheeks consisted of a galaxy of freckles. His gorgeous eyes were always kept hidden frome the light by the heavy lids that remained shut for months.

Bakugo stepped closer to him. Staring at the boy whom he had grown to love, now a limp and helpless body. He sat down on his designated chair. Thinking.

What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to tell the boy who he had begged to keep on living , that he himself had failed at just that. How was he supposed to explain the rigged scar that traced his skin? How was he supposed to explain why he hadn't been visiting in a while? How was he supposed to explain that he had failed to be strong for his sake?

His uneven breaths filled the room, copying the pattern of the continues  beeping. He took a deep breath before taking the boys hand in his and beginning.

"Hey izuku...long time no see."

Beep beep beep

"Yeah...something happened. I-...i haven't been too..well. Its hard without you. I have...realised that life is so dull without you. There's no point in doing anything anymore. I don't even find pleasure in hero work were my only motivation. I need you back nerd."

Beep beep beep

" i- *sigh*  did something really stupid. I don't know what the hell was going through my head. B-But..i uhm..i..cut myself. Now don't worry- it was only one and it wasn't bad, but i just- i don't know...wanted to see how it felt. I know it sounds stupid. And it was."

Bakugou gave a weak chuckle.

"Who would have thought i would be the one coming to you with this. Izuku something else happened too. We were on patrol and a guy he shot me. And i ran away frome everyone. To be honest i didn't want help. I thought i didn't deserve it. I ended up in an alley. And i was in a bad place...mentally. i-i *snif* i accepted it. *snif* izuku i can't live without you. I need you"

Bakugo managed to say Between a rotation of sobs and voice cracks. His hand squeezing izuku's. He had his head facing down at his feet, he was ashamed. And he was missing izuku more than ever. His words were true, he had nothing without izuku.

The young teen let out a few hiccups and sniffs as he sobbed. His tears staining the bed sheets.   All sounds in the room stopped for a second when something unexpected happened. Something so bizarre that no one would belive him. His hand that had a firm grip on the limp hand of the boy in front of him , stiffened.

The once limp hand of the ghostly boy had regained its strength. His fingers curling around the sobbing boy's. Izuku had squeezed bakugo's hand.

Time had stopped for a moment.
Bakugo looked up with tear filled eyes at the hand that was now embracing his. His breath caught in his throat. How was this possible?
His gaze shifted to the freckled boys peaceful face. Bakugo's brows furrowed as he saw no sign of a different expression on izuku's face. Was he hallucinating? Did he miss him that much?

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