Chapter 3 : Maybe's

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"Kacchan wait up!" The little boy cried to his best friend. "I won't wait for your slow butt! C'mon walk faster." The other boy yelled. Both were on their way to go catch some tadpoles. Each carried a fishnet of their own. All of the sudden one boy fell , his clothes being drenched as he sat in the river. The other boy quickly ran over to him, stepping into the river himself. He stretched out his small hand , offering to help his friend up. "Are you okay Kacchan? Are you hurt?" The boy who was sat in the river gave an irritated huff before slapping away his hand. " I'm fine deku, i don't need help frome someone like you." The boy then promptly stood up and walked away, his clothes still dripping with water. The other boy stood there, his shoes still soaked in the water. Tears bubbling up in the young boys eyes. His lip shook as he stared at his best friend who had left him.

Bakugo jumped awake. His body sweating and tears dripping. His eyes darted around the room and then to himself. He let out a frustrated sigh as he calmed himself down. It was just another dream, but it felt so real? He ignored the thought as he slowly got out of bed, walking over to his bathroom. He passed his mirror and quickly turned on the shower. He couldn't help but feel guilty for not treating izuku better in their childhood. All izuku wanted to do was help and he always pushed him away. The truth is he didn't want izuku to be a hero, because he was afraid. At the time izuku didn't have a quirk , so the idea of going into such a dangerous line of work sounded absurd to Bakugo All he wanted to do was protect his best friend, but somewhere along that path he got lost. It started to feel normal to bully him. It was easy. Bakugo had built an ego around the fact that izuku was weak and defenseless.

He peeled off all his clothes before stepping into the shower. The warm water relaxing his muscles as he stood there. His body however quickly tensed up as the water made contact with his injury. A piercing sting circled around his arm. He hissed as he quickly rubbed it. He knew it should probably be cleaned so he stuck through the pain, rubbing at the shallow cut. He turned off the shower and got out. Drying himself with a towel.

If he had treated izuku better in their childhood maybe he would have turned out better. Maybe if he hadn't insulted him for so many years, he wouldn't have done those horrible things to himself. Maybe he could have had a great life. Maybe he could have still been able to go to class everyday. Maybe he would be awake. Maybe maybe maybe. There were too many maybe's. Too many thoughts corrupting the teens brain. Too many regrets.

Bakugo's life had turned dull after the 'incident'. He refused to go to any party's or hangouts because why should he be able to when izuku can't? He pushed away everyone in fear of hurting them the way he had with izuku. He had decided to go mute because somehow his words always came out wrong. He always hurt someone. He had lost all motivation in his hero work. He became reckless. Not caring for his well being. He however still made sure everyone got out safe, even if he had to sacrifice himself. After all he didn't deserve to enjoy life when izuku couldn't. He gave up on trying to improve his grades. His mind was full of too many thoughts that there were no space for work. He found himself unable to memorise the work for tests. Even if he had managed to learn the work and have a good shot at getting a high grade in the test, he always found himself sitting in the quiet exam hall, with nothing else going on in his brain except for regrets. He had regretted everything that he had done to izuku. He had regretted them even meeting in the first place. Maybe if they hadn't then his life would have been so much different. Maybe he would have enjoyed life. Maybe he would have had no resone to do this to himself. But they did meet. And bakugo did bully him. And he did hurt himself. And he did try to commit suicide. And bakugo did regret everything. But it was too late.


"Alright everyone today we are going to be patrolling around the city. Each of you will be on designated areas, in pairs of two. Don't be reckless, look out for your teammates and don't bother me unless its important." The grumpy teacher announced. The sent of his bitter coffee dancing around the room. Bakugo and Ida were pared up. The two were stationed near a busy area. It was rather quiet.

"How are you doing?" Ida mumbled, skeptical as to how the blond would react. They were both sitting on a rooftop, attempting to avoid reporters but still on the lookout for trouble. Bakugo did not answer. He still kept up the act. Afraid of messing up again. "Were all worried about you." Ida said quietly. The blonds eyebrows furrowed. He didn't understand why they were all worried about him. Izuku was the one they should be worried about. Not him. He didn't deserve to be cared for, after everything he had done. "You do realise we only want what's best for you. After the....accident...we all need to be more caring for each other. Check up on people you know. But clearly you were the one who was effected most by it. But you haven't been communicating anything. Bakugo you need to communicate. You can't keep all those feelings inside of you. It-" his speech was interrupted by the sound of screams. Bakugo was thankful that he finally had an excuse to not listen to this pity talk. He was first to run over to the scene. It was a shop that was being held at gun point. 4 armed robbers. "I'll round up the innocents, you keep them busy." Ida said before running to the pile of terrified people in the corner. He began evacuating everyone whilst bakugo fought the armed robbers. He had beaten 2 of them. Whilst he was busy with the 3rd one , the 4th robber did something wildly unexpected. He was startled by the sudden appearance of the hero. He panicked.

Thats what people do they panic. When you have constructed a plan that you think would be perfect , and something unexpected happens. You panic. You thought your plan was fool proof. You thought you planned every possibility. Yet somehow something unexpected happens. Something you didn't plan for. Whether that be , you and your friends deciding to rob a place. Thinking it would be in and out, quick. And a hero shows up. Or if you wanted to protect your best friend, wanting to save them frome the dangers of hero work. Scared there would be an accident resulting in their death. Yet in your attempt at protecting them, you forgot to protect them frome yourself. The friend you learned to love, was now so broken that they decided to be the cause of that unexpected accident. To end it themselves. That is a possibility that you never even thought of. An unexpected turn of events that would shatter your 'fool proof' plan. And yet all you can seem to do in that moment is panic. Because you are human. And thats what humans do when confronted by an unplanned possibility, they panic.

An ear shattering bang echoed throughout the room. Everything happened in slow motion. The gun that was pointed at bakugo's stomach. The loud noise that erupted frome the deadly weapon. The pain that was coursing through his veins. The warm liquid leaking frome the wound that his hands tried cover, dripping over his fingers as everything felt wet now. His ears ringing. The shocked expression on the criminal's face. The 2 of them running out. The sound that was dulled, coming frome his fellow teammates mouth. The panicked expression on his face.

He did not know what to do in that moment. All he knew was that he wanted to escape it. Run away. And thats exactly what he did. He ran and ran until his feet ached. Until his teammates words faded in the distance. Until he found himself in a dark alley, far away frome the scene. His body was weak and his vision blurred. His mouth chocking out the same liquid that leaked frome his stomach. His limbs shook as he slid down the bricked wall. He sat next to the large trash bin, like a pile of trash being taken out. Because thats exactly what he was. Trash. He had ruined peoples lives. He had nearly killed his best friend, his lover, his only friend. Izuku Midoriya.

His mind was foggy as he closed his eyes. Warm tears still leaking frome them. He had accepted  his fate. He deserved this. It was his time to pay.

Maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe it was just his time. Maybe he did deserve this. Maybe he could escape his wicked mind that created all the wicked words that spilled frome his mouth everyday. Maybe his classmates could finally be happy everyday. Maybe izuku would finally live the life he deserved without him, when he woke up. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe the world would be better off without him. Without Katsuki Bakugo.

Total words: 1 676

Hi guys i just wanna say don't worry! More chapters are coming soon. This is not the end of the story. Thank you for reading this far! I hope my writing has improved a bit. Next chapter should be posted today so yay thats a plus. Anyway bye xx

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