Chapter 19: DNA

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Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been missing for a while. Life has just been pretty shitty and im in the middle of tests , and my childhood pet aswell as someone close too me passed away recently within two weeks of eachother so yeahhh I've just been having terrible writer's block but here it is.


"You know izuku-kun, I should've killed you when I had the chance."
She says darkly.

My stern stare falters at her words. "Yes you should have." I reply simply. It's true. Maybe we wouldn't be here if I had just died. Everywhere I travel I hurt the people I love. It's cruel and unfair. But that's my life I guess.

"Where is the DNA."
I ask impatient.

I don't know if I can restrain myself Frome injuring her after what she did to Kacchan. She used his weakness and insecurity in order to manipulate and harm him. She wanted to kill him for Christ sake! All whilst playing me.

"You know that other boy...Baku-kun, I know a secret about him~ *giggle* "
She whispers.

My brows furrow and my mind begins to race. She leans forward to me and says..

"He loves you y'know. He would've willingly died because he thought you were the one to kill him. Now I'm not sure exactly what he's willing to do for you, but one thing is for sure. If we have you then we have your entire school under our fingertips."

My jaw clenches tightly as i think. What are they planning? Another attack? Possibly...

"Cut the shit. Your asked to see me, so now I'm here. Give me the information now."

"Oh~ now I see why he likes you so much. You got a lil bite in you hm? You should've seen his face when I was ontop of him. So flustered, it was adorable."

She..she was on top of him? Wh- God I think I'm gonna be sick. I need to remember to apologize to Kacchan after this is over.

"You took my hair and blood. You used the blood, now where's the hair?"

"Woah there cutie. Who said the blood was finished? You do remember that I plunged that knife quite deeply into your soft and delicate skin right? Or the way I yanked it out immediately after, Oh! And how your tasty blood rushed out. There was quite allot you know... wouldn't have let that gone to waste now would we?"

"Where is it."
I snarled.

I'm done with her games. I just want the truth so that this can be done with already.

"First, tell me something."

I bite back.

She's stalling.

"What is Baku-kun to you?"

I swallow harshly as I stare at her. Why does she want to know? That's none of her business.

"What's it to you."

She says as she leans back into her chair happily. The silence between us is thick as I think of how I should answer her question.

"I've known him since childhood."
I decide on.

She asks trying to get me to further explain.

"And? That's it."
I say agitated.

"There's more to it. I can sense it."
She says with a grin.

"We're close that's all there is."
I try to reassure.

"Liar. Tell me why he got all flustered when I got all close and personal with him then?"

Did he really think it was me?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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