Chapter 1 : 5 months

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5 months,
Thats how long Izuku Midoriya had been in a coma for.

5 months,
Thats how long Bakugo had been waiting.

5 months,
Of pure sadness spreaded across campus.

5 months,
Without his joyful laughter.

5 months,
Since he last opened his eyes.

5 months,
That izuku had been laying on that hospital bed.

5 months,
Since Bakugo had used the name 'deku.'

5 months,
Since Bakugo had gone mute.

-Hold up, Let's rewind-

[3 weeks after the accident ]

Bakugou was torn to shreds. His entire world had collapsed onto him. He had lost his childhood best friend. He had lost the one person who always had something nice to say even though the world never returned the favor. He had lost the one person whom he truly loved. He had lost Izuku.

The only part left of him was his stiff body on that stupid hospital bed. Although he was technically still alive, according to the faint beeping that could be heard echoing throughout the ghostly room, he wasn't alive. At least not to Bakugo. He just layed there, with a blank expression on his face, hair grown out and his body still. He was there but he also wasn't.

There is something about a person in a coma that just doesn't feel right. Although the person may still have a heartbeat and their lungs still expand, they aren't alive. The countless hours spent talking to this person, wondering if your words even rang through their ears, pointless gifts being bought out of pity. All a waste. It was like talking to a dead corpse. There was never a reply. Never a sign of life. Never a reaction. There was always just- nothing. The only reply you'd ever get was the faint beeping frome the heart rate monitor. That annoying beep beep beep , that just never stops. It's as if the person is no longer a person, instead just a memory. A memory of the past, playing on loop. You hope with everything in you that the person would just jump awake, telling you that they heard you, squeeze your hand, showing any sign of life. Yet there never is one.

At the start bakugou had refused to leave his side. Staying countless of hours talking to him, crying to him, begging him. Everyone grew worried. His mental health took a magor toll. He refused to shower and sleep, in fear of missing when izuku showed a sigh of life. His mind started playing tricks on him, he had sworn he saw the still body in front of him's eyes move. A flicker of life. Unfortunately that little hope inside of him was crushed when everyone had told him it was a figment of his imagination. A trauma response. A coping mechanism. A lie.


Bakugo had been sitting on his designated chair that he claimed ever since the 'incident' just beside his childhood best friends hospital bed. He was talking about his week, all the annoying classmates that bothered him out of pity, all the work that izuku had missed, all the hangout invites he had declined in order to stay with him, everything. Unfortunately his speech was interrupted by a soft creak, echoing throughout the room. His voice stopped as he heard heavy footsteps slowly walking. The teen turned his head to see a tall figure with black hair, dead eyes and a hunch in his back, standing near the doorway. If he hadn't know better he would think that death had finally came to collect his broken soul. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't. Instead it was his teacher, Aizawa. The teens brows furrowed in frustration as he quickly whipped his head back to the still body in front of him. The room was dead silent, up until a rough voice spoke up. "Bakugou." Silence followed between the two. The only thing that broke the thick air was the faint, beep beep beep. "You cannot stay like this forever. Have you eaten anything? Midoriya will not go anywhere, go eat." A small frustrated huff could be heard before bakugou finally spoke up. "Who do you think you are to tell me what to do- Ha!?" The older man gave a slow blink, studying the teens body language. He concluded that bakugou was still in denial, and that it would be pointless to create an argument. "You cannot stop your life just because he is here. They have told us that they aren't sure if he'd wake up soon, so i suggest you pull yourself together, go eat and take care of your health."

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