Chapter 18: Interrogation

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Aizawa pov:

After katsuki passed out yesterday I took him to RG. He's currently still on bed rest which I highly doubt he'll stick to but that's not the point. The point is I let another one of my students get injured on my watch, all because of those villians. Midoriya hasn't left his side since, he's caught up in his head again and it's worrying. If he falls back into his thoughts too much, this whole battle will start from the very beginning again. And I won't let it happen.

The door creaks as I push it open. The squeaky sound travels through the silent room as I walk through. Sure enough Problem Child is still sitting there next to Bakugo. He's at the edge of the bed staring at the sleeping boy. We put Bakugo on some pain killers that should help with not only the healing process but also in keeping him situated in bed. Hopefully when he wakes up he will be too loopy to get up and kill someone.

I walk over to the boy who didn't even glance at me when I entered the room.  I pull a chair frome a wall and drag it next to his. As I sit down I notice the boy's tear stained face. His eyes and nose are stained with a reddish colour against his pale skin. I sigh deeply as I turn to Katsuki. He was injured because he confused toga with izuku, and now izuku blames himself for it.

"You know you did nothing wrong."
I spoke breaking the tensed air.

The boy next to me sniffled quietly as he wiped his tears.

"I-It's my fault. I let them take my blood and now...l-look what happened. *Sniff* I hurt him."
His voice was small and shakey.

"Listen to me problem child. You cannot blame yourself for this. You were captured and tortured, you didn't willingly give them what they wanted. Besides we have Toga in custody, I'll be sure to get every last bit of your DNA before any other casualties happen."
I try to assure him.

"This doesn't chance the fact the he still got hurt because of me. *Sniff* I-I keep hurting everyone a-around me. Everywhere I go I bring trouble with. *Shakey sigh* I just-..I wish it would just stop. I don't want more people to be hurt.."

I don't answer him. Instead I just listen. This boy has been through unimagineable things at such a young age, things that some Pro hero's haven't even experienced. His youth was snatched away frome him and replaced with cold and ruthless Maturity. Life hasn't given him any slack whatsoever. Day after day he is challenged in ways that would make anyone break. I cannot blame him for the mentality he currently has.

"..w-when I try to end it, I hurt people. When I try to live like they want, I hurt people. When I hurt myself, I hurt people. Why won't it stop? *Sniff* I just cause pain everywhere I go. Why won't it stop Sensei?"
He looks at me with tear filled eyes. His eyes are sunken in and dark, no life visible in them. They hold so much pain in them, so much hurt and despare. Their tired. He's tired. My heart aches at the sight.

I try to come across as strong for my students, but the truth is I hate seeing them hurt. All I want is for them to be independent so that they stand a chance in surviving this brutal life, but seeing them so vulnerable truely scares me. Truth is, my biggest fear is them dying before they even get the chance to fully live. But izuku...he's different. He has already experienced far more than any normal child his age has. He's seen and done his fair share of horrific acts. He has been through far worse things in his short live span, and now.. he believes there truely is nothing more for him. He doesn't see any point in life anymore, all he sees is pain and suffering. And that is something that terrifies me, because I do not know how I am supposed to show him that there is far more than that in life. I do not know how to tell him that he's yet to experience love and trust. But the thing is...I can't. Because that is not something I should do. That is something he needs to learn for himself.

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