Chapter 6 : Barely Alive

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A creak echoed throughout the room. Footsteps following shortly after.

"Bakugo come its time you head back to your dorm."

It was aizawa.

A hand covered izuku's mouth, containing the giggles that were overflowing.

When the teacher received no answer he spoke again. This time stepping forward to the open curtain.

"Don't make this harder than it has t-"
The teacher was cut off as his eyes grew wide.

"P-Problem Child! Your- awake...?"
He said in awe.

Both of the teens yelled.

"Welcome back."
Aizawa said as a smirk appeared on his face.

Bakugo and izuku were both sitting in the hospital bed. Izuku was nestled under bakugo's  arm. The sheets covering them both.

"How are you feeling?"
The teacher asked.

"My head is a bit fuzzy but otherwise I'm okay."
Izuku answered cheerily.

After Recovery Girl gave izuku a check over, he was discharged. Bakugo had to help the boy stand as his frail legs weren't used to it anymore. Eventually they managed to get izuku into a wheelchair. Which he was not happy about.

You see he needed the wheelchair temporarily as his muscles were too weak. He would have to exercise daily to be able to walk again.

And so bakugo ended up pushing izuku to their dorm. Narrowly escaping the students  that were filling the halls as the bell rang.


The doornob turned as Bakugo pushed the door open. Just as he wheeled izuku in he heard a soft grumble. He looked down to izuku who was now holding onto his stomach. A red dust covering his ears and freckled cheeks.

"Someone is hungry."
Bakugo said with a slight chuckle.

He picked izuku up out of the chair, and carried him bridal style.

"Hey! Stop that- i can do it myself!"
Izuku tried to no avail.

Bakugo placed him onto their dorm couch, as he covered his body with a blanket.

"Sure ya can."
He said with a smirk as he tucked the blanket around izuku's body.

He threw a quick wink before turning on the TV and running to the kitchen.

After half an hour, bakugo had made two plates of Katsudon. He carried both plates over to the couch that izuku had been sitting on. Izuku happily accepted the plate. Bakugo had placed himself comfortably next to izuku.

Izuku took the chopsticks in hand. His hands were shaking. He tried to focus on keeping his hand steady as he picking up some of the food, unfortunately it didn't work. He dropped the food as well as one of the wooden sticks. A loud sigh echoed through the room. Bakugo seemed to notice quickly, putting his plate down onto his lap.

"You need some help?" The blond asked. Izuku's face scrunched up in embarrassment. "N-No." He quickly muttered out. Bakugo watched as the freckled boy attempted to pick up the chopsticks again. His red eyes focused onto izuku's shaky hands that dropped the sticks once again. A frustrated huff came frome the teen as he pouted. Bakugo did not ask again. He simply took the chopsticks in hand and began feeding izuku. "I don't need help!" Izuku whined. "Just eat." Bakugo replied as he still held out the food to izuku's closed mouth. Izuku didn't want to be treated like baby so he stuck up his nose to bakugo's attempt at helping. "No, i won't." Izuku replied, sass coating his words.

"I Love You Izuku"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora