Chapter 12 : Deku...

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Aizawa pov:

Me and Bakugo were busy talking when i got an alert on my phone. I took my phone out of my pocked to check who was messaging me.

(Im too lazy to type a teachers name)

Your student is involved with a fight.

Who hit first?


Which one is it?


I imediatly run out of the room hearing Bakugo's swearing following shortly after. I sprint down the halls , twoards the big group of children. I push past them to see the once innocent izuku, pinning down a kid as he repeatedly slammed his fist into his face.

The kid's face was a bloody mess. His eye and lip was swolen, his eyebrow was split open, blood splattered accross his face and His nose was bent in an unnatural way. It looked like a crime scene.

Izuku was hovering over the boy, his body language was cold and uncaring. His forearm had streaks of one for all travelling up. But what struk me was the way he looked so...out of it. His tears were dripping onto the boy under him's face, yet he didnt even once hesitate. He wasn't planning on stopping. He was ruthlessly hitting him, he had never fought like this before and thats what concerned me most. He wasn't acting like himself.

I decided to step in, afraid he might kill the boy. I activate my quirk as i ran over to him and wrapped my capture weapon around his wrist. I pulled on the fabric , trying to get him to stop. Although Izuku had other plans. He faught back, he desperately yanked on it, trying to get loose. I decided to wrap his entire body with it, afraid he might snap his wrist off.

He struggled in the thick fabric as i dragged him off the boy. This wasn't the kind hearted izuku i knew, he was diffrent, he was acting like a rabbit animal. He had zero self control. The fact that he had even activated one for all on a kid had proven it. What the hell was he thinking? He could've killed the kid!

Once he reached me he turned his head twoards me. I glare at him, my brows furrowed in disappointment. His lip was split and his cheekbone was severely bruised. Just above his right eyebrow, to the side of his head was a large bleeding wound. Blood flowed in streaks down his right cheek. His lip was also gushing out the same thick liquid, causing it to drip down his chin. He look absuloutly without any dout , utterly crazy.

He tugged on the scarf as he yelled at me to let go.

"What the hell has gotten into you izuku!?"
I ask genuinely concerned for my student.

My eyes flicker to the right inorder to check wether or not the other three boys were dead. One was unconscious and the other two were wining in pain.

My gaze returns to izuku, only to see him staring at the same scene i just did. I study his facial expressions as they quickly turn frome blinding rage to what I'm guessing is guilt. That confirms that he does have the ability to tell between right and wrong...So then why is he acting this way?

Izuku's expressions turned into a panic like state. I order the students to get to their classes, seeing as the bell already rung. After i manage to chase away everyone, i walk back to izuku's side. Bakugo seems to have have found him...

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