Chapter 8 : Strength

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The next few weeks were spent helping izuku learn how to walk on his own again. There were plenty of falls and break downs but eventually...he regained his strength. And now he was about ready to head back to school. Although he was still visibly a bit fragile, he wanted to go. He wanted to see everybody again. He wanted to feel normal again. Some of his friends visited him within his first few weeks back, after much persuasion frome izuku to katsuki. Bakugo was still angry about how everyone treated him, he was protective of him ever since. Unfortunately some people still kept their distance frome izuku. Only a few people apologised to him and continued their friendship, izuku was still cautious of most but he accepted Denki, Momo, Mina , Iida and Jirou.

Izuku was walking with Bakugo through the halls. A few unpleasant stares occurred every now and then. Everyone knew, they all knew what happened to him. They all knew what he did. They all knew how fucked up he was. And izuku hated it with everything in him. He wished he could just melt into the floor and dissappear forever.  They all knew too much but yet so little at the same time. They knew he  tried to commit suicide and that he had selfharmed. But what they didn't know was all of the shit that happened before that lead him up to the point of him actually participating in the self destructive behavior. But it simply didnt matter. They knew enough. They no longer knew him as the hard working joyful boy, they now only knew him as the depressed dude who had tried to end his life. He had a label now. And he knew that.

They came to a stop as they approached the classroom door. Izuku's hands were shaking. He was scared, horrified even. He was horrified of the idea that everyone now knew about everything.

"Hey." The blond boy spoke. Izuku turned to look up at him as he fiddled anxiously with his fingers. "Were here. You ready?" He asked. "N-No..." izuku mumbled. "Whats got you all bummed out nerd? I thought you loved this hell hole called school." Bakugo said as he stared at the nervous boy in front of him. Izuku's heart was in his stomach. "I-...i can't do this." Izuku said as he turned around to attempt to walk away. Katsuki grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards the closed door. "Nope. Your already here. C'mon." Katsuki said. "No...y-you don't understand." Izuku tried as he shyed away anxiously. "What?" Bakugo asked as his brows furrowed. "What if they know...h-hate me?" Bakugo snorted in response. "They don't hate you dipshit. Besides, who cares what they think? Their opinions don't matter." He said as he rolled his eyes. "Now c'mon. I don't got all day to wait on your nervous ass." Bakugo said as he turned the door handle and pulled izuku into the room.

The chatter stopped instantly. Everyone knew that he had awoken, it was just- different seeing him in person after such a long long time.

The air was thick with tension. Aizawa didn't seem surprised as per usual. He just nodded his head towards izuku's seat. The one that had been empty for such a long time.

Izuku refused to take his eyes off the floor. He could feel all the eyes on him and hear all the whispers around him. He couldn't bare to be the center of attention.

He made his way towards his seat. The screws in it creaked as he sat.

The whispers continued as izuku visibly sunk further into his seat. They were all so loud in his ears. He could hear  all of the ruthless  comments that were said about him. It had brought back memories frome middle school again. His heart was beating faster than his quite gasps for air. He was suffocating inside.

Then everything stopped. He was saved by his teacher who had yelled at the class to shut up and focus.

The lesson was long and tiring. So was the next. And the next. And the next. Up until it was lunch.

Izuku packed up his things and slung his backpack over his shoulder as he slowly stood frome his seat.

"Hey nerd. Let's go." Bakugo said.

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