Chapter 11 : Revenge

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"Hes had urges again."

"How long?"

"He relapsed."

"What!? When? Does he need medical attention?"

"No it was just one cut but still. He fucking did it again."

"Why didnt you contact me? We had an agreement."

"Because if he found out he'd throw a fit."

"Is there anything else i should know?"

There was a long pause between the two. The boy was contenplating on whether or not to tell the older man. He was afraid izuku would shut down again. But he had to make sure the boy was safe. By any means necisary.

"He begged me to let him die. I think hes planning again."

"What do you mean he begged you? Did you catch him in the act?"

"No old man jeez. We had a talk and he fucking screamed at me, telling me all about how fucked up he was and that he just wants to fucking die. When i argued he started begging me to just let him. I wont fucking let him do it if thats what your worried about."

"Okay...keep an eye on him, ill do the same. If anything els happens again, tell me immediately. He is a danger to himself and we cannot let him do something drastic."

"Well OBVIOUSLY. He needs help for fucks sake."

"Watch your language Katsuki."

"Whatever hobo."

"Has he done any other self injuring activities?"

"He got frustrated the other night. I guess its cause i took all his fucking Blades away. He scratched up his arms and legs to the point they bled. And he trashed his room. Not cleaning that by the way."

The older man ran his fingers through his hair as he got more and more worried for his student's mental health.

"Hes been having a fuck ton of pannic attacks lately. Look im trying my best to help him but he doesnt want help. That bastard is so stubborn, he'll let himself die without even letting us know."

" *sigh* alright. Thank you for telling me, i'll keep an eye on him. In the mean time just stay by his side and provide comfort to him."

"Yeah yeah."


Izuku pov

I'm making my way twoards my locker  seeing as i forgot my book in there.

The halls were grim and filled with sudents who had nothing better to do than talk about the latest 'drama'

It feels like everyone is staring at me. I keep my head down to avoid most of them but it doesn't help much with the nauseous feeling in my chest. All the sounds around me are muffeled, although every now and then i do hear bits of everyone's conversations.

"Have...seen.....wore today?"

Who are they talking about?

"Did you hear...said about him?"

Are they talking about me?

"....looks ridiculous."

Do i look ridiculous? No..Maybe their talking about someone else...but..what if it is me?

"Those shoes are crustyyy *laughing* "

I look down at my shoes. The old red ones i always wear. I know their dirty and the soles lift up but its all i have left of my mother. My old bullies used to tease me about them too...should i wear something els? I dont have anything else though...

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