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Hey guys i just wanna say first of all sorry for not posting as frequent its been tough lately with everything going on atm and ik its not your fault but yeah.

A result of this is yall forgetting the storyline and i have thought abt adding a "previously" at the beginning of every chapter as ive seen previous writers do this. But the reson why i take long to post is because my chapters are long and take a lot of time to write between writers block( wich never fucking ends btw idk whats going on with me) and tests. So if i add previously's to the beggining of chapters the chapters may not be as long bc geez if yall knew how many chapters ive written which were 3000 - 4000 words and then they werent saved. I get so so mad everytime. It takes a long time to write and think of everything and for it all too be deleted in a second is so unfair. I have issues with my memory so i also forget what i wrote and then that also contributes to my writers block bc i wouldve spent and hour or even more writing and thinking of a perfect plot and then its deleted and then i forgot what i wrote.
Ugh its just so frustrating. But anywayss so yeah.

I've come up with a solution.
The following info will basicly summarise the needed info on what has happened in the previous and this book. It will only be the important stuff that actually have an effect on the plot.

So i think it would be great if yall just do a quick read through of it sothat yall have an idea of whats going on cuz i have had a comment that was confused on the storyline bc its been so long which is no problem seriously , if yall have a question please do ask i can answer happily.

Story Line:

Izuku lived on his own for most of his childhood cuz his mother abandoned him.

• Bakugo obviously bullied him and told him to "take a swan dive off the roof of the building" and pray to have a quirk in his next live.

•Izuku has had an adiction to Selfharm  eversince middleschool.

•Same old UA storyline follows when he got into UA. Up until Tamrin/Tammy came.

•Tamrin is frome izuku's old middleschool. She has a crush on Bakugo and she hates izuku for spending time around him. Her quirk is (if i remember correctly) shapeshifting. Which basicly works like she must have a piece of an animal or huma being's DNA and injest it, inorder to transform into them for an hour or so.

•Tamrin stole izuku's notebook which he had eversince middleschool. It contained suicide letters and love notes. She showed this notebook to their entire class. This crazy bitch also stole some of his hair btw (its important)

•Tamrin spreaded rumors about izuku to his classmates. Saying that he bullied her in middleschool and that he told her to kill herself. She then proceeded to tell everyone that he Selfharms inorder to make people care for him and doing so manipulates them into believing that he was bullied by her( which he was) she also mentioned that he used to work as a 'sexworker' and that he'd make money off having sex with people. Which was not true. Long ago he was raped and someone threw cash onto him making a joke that he should start charging and that he'd finially be useful for once.

• The rumors caused all of his friends to ignore, disclude, comfront  and bully him. The last rumor also caused an incident regarding 3 guys to break into his dorm and rape him. They sent pictures to Bakugo who thought that he was 'working' again.

•Time skip, Bakugo found izuku selfharming again. And they had a fight wich resulted in bakugo saying that he no longer was going to help izuku with his issues yada yada yada.

•izuku was consumed by selfhatered and he saw no point in living anymore as he already messed everything in his life up. So he climbed the UA building inorder to commit suicide. His classmates all stood on the ground searching for him as they all found his suicide letters at their doorway's. Yada yada yada. He and katsuki was on a call where izuku said his goodbyes and then he jumped. Katsuki held him as he said his last words which were sorry and i love you.

•izuku was in a coma for 5 moths. During that time katsuki blamed himself for everything and even tried selfharm which led him to have way more sympathy twoards izuku bc it was horrible.

•izuku wakes up. Is temporarily paralyzed. Katsuki helps him regain his strength.

•Izuku is still very very upset that he's still alive and still in misery.

•Izuku rejoined his class which half of them still sorta hated him and the other felt sorry for him. He was under allot of stress as everyone now knows everything about him. And that his social status as the happy energetic kid turned into the depro suicidal kid.

•Tamrin still torments him. She baited him into suicide in the incident of her chocking him with his shirt collar during class time. Which left a rash on his neck.

• Katsuki and izuku have a fight about the rash. Btw bakuhoe still doesnt know she did it.

•Yada yada yada Izuku is still upset and is still tormented by his past. Katsuki learns a small portion of the pain that hes in and hes determined to help him.

Yeah...i think thats all..?

Idfk hopefully this helped lmao.
If u need answers go back to this AN or ask me. If theirs still any unclear questions or gaps in ur memory pls comment sothat i can clear em up for u.

Also im sorry but thr last book featured allot of dadzawa, while this book forcusses more about izuku and katsuki. This book will still have dadzawa moment dw , i love me a good dadzawa fic. But this book is more about Izuku and Bakugo healing and  also exsploring their love for eachother.

Pls do remember to leave suggesions. It rlly does help out allot and makes the chapters come out faster!

But yeah thats all. Bye my lovelies<333

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