The Meeting

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Chapter 5


'I feel as if, all this time, I've been used, it pains me to see the one i love, and the one that i just can't seem to get through to. I feel as if, I just can't catch up to them, I hold my hand out to them hoping they would, just, take it. It makes me bitter, so bitter when they just run farther, while i'm on my knees holding my hand out, Loxtren, Kanna, Koren. They left me, they left me... Where are you Loxtren? What happened to us? Where has our pain gone? I look at my battered hands, waiting, listening, feeling the pain, looking out this broken window, feeling the rain drop slowly onto my face, it's not fair, it's not fair that you all left me, you left me to, rot.'

"Hey, Shanna wake up."

"I, seriously don't want to meet with the generals today."

"Yeah me neither but, we have no choice."

'What if, they actually did take my hand?'

"Hey, stop thinking," Kanna says to Shanna getting out of bed.

"I, miss him... It hurts so much Kanna, so much..."

'What if they rejected my hand?'

"Shanna, its fine, but guess what? I actually saw him yesterday! We talked, he's been putting on a show this whole time, so don't worry you'll get him back."

"I... Hope so..."

'What if they walked right past it without one thought?'


~Flash back~

"Shanna!" Loxtren shouts while running up a hill.

"Loxtren! What's up?"

"Nothing much!, Just wanted to see how stuff is going!" the brunette was now at Shanna's side.

"Everything is awesome..." Shanna looks down at the ground wanting to cry.

"Shanna," Loxtren hugs Shanna tightly, startling the poor sapphire.

"i'm sorry, Loxten" Shanna begins to full on cry onto the black hoodie of Loxtren.

"Shanna, tell me what is the matter."

"I...I feel as if you've all left me... It's like I can't reach you guys, its like I reach my hand out and you guys ignore it."

"I..." Shanna begins to explain, before Loxtren smashes his lips against Shanna's.

Shanna stares wide eyed at Loxtren, her mind going a million miles per second.

Finally letting go, Loxtren lets Shanna take a breath.

"Wai- mmpf"

Loxtren crashes his lips against her once more, then lets her go.

"Why, did you just..?"

"I did it, because you need to know that i hold your hand."


Shanna looks around noticing everyone getting ready with their battle clothes, Kanna putting on the normal dragon attire, and Koren putting on some fancy dragon scale long sleeve shirt with plain black pants with knee length boots.

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