Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Kanna wasn't the one counting her blessings.

It has been a week since the big blow out with Shanna, and Kanna has never felt better.

'She is the one who decided to leave me.'

'It's going to be easy to forget her.'

'She was a pest anyways.'

Kanna smirks.

'If I have let go, then what is this subtle pain in my heart that I feel?'

Soon Kanna's thoughts were disrupted as around 13 men came bursting through Kanna's door.

They were Machi soldiers, Kanna could tell from the emblem on their suits.

"Queen, we have come on the orders of Koren Dateko."

"Good. Now we must find the princess and return home, quickly. That's an order, now go!" Kanna said as she looked outside, it was in full on war everything was on fire, people screaming.

Lokai was behind this, she was sure of it.

Koren came bursting through the door soon after the guards had left.

"Kanna!" Kanna turned around to face the one she loved, and the person she hasn't seen in years.

"Koren!" Kanna lept to Koren and gave him a hug. They both clung onto each other and then broke apart.

"Koren, what is going, how did you find me, and how?" Kanna asked confused and panicky as she saw more people being injured.

"It's that one dude."

"Lokai. His name is Lokai."

"Okay. It's Lokai. He started war between our world and earth. We found a way to get here and were able to summon a portal," Koren says pulling his bow from his back.

"I see. We need to get to my school. There's many, many people there," Kanna says walking out the door.

"Kanna I'll leave that to you I'm going to locate Lokai."

"Good luck, Koren," Kanna says with a smile.

Kanna runs toward her school as fast as she can.

As Kanna arrives she sees all the students cornered by a demon summoned by Lokai.

Kanna walks in front of the students.

"Is that Kanna Hoshigaki?" All of the students began to panic as they watched Kanna put up a shield to protect them from the demon.

"Everyone listen up!" Kanna shouted.

"I'm not who you all think I am. I am the queen of a whole other world. Right now that doesn't matter so focus on the situation at hand."

Kanna began to transform into her old dragon scale armour.

"My goal is to protect all of you. This shield will not break under any circumstances! I can't even break it myself."

Kanna turns around and faces the demon. She could hear Isabella and her friends crying.

Kanna smirked and began to attack the demon head on getting in a blow whenever she could.

"Ah Kanna," the demon began to speak in a very harsh tone.

"W-What!?" Kanna recognized that voice before.

'Where do I know him from?' Kanna thought to herself.

Kanna dodged a swing from the demon and then it hit her.

"I know you. You, were the one who killed my parents," Kanna said her brows furrowing as she watched the demon's smirk turn into a sadistic grin showing his pointed teeth.

Kanna's head was swirling with thoughts and images of this demon killing her parents.

"Oh? How smart of you to know who I am. You've done your homework, you little petty thing.

Kanna scoffs, her eyes turning that dangerous red color they have always been.

"Ah, here we are, just what I wanted to see. Your eyes.." The demon said his grinning widening each second.

Kanna went in for the kill swinging her scythe back and forth. She saw in the corner of her eye Koren running onto the battlefield. He began to help out with the other summons of the demons.

Kanna's features darkens.

"You shouldn't have tested me," Kanna says as her Kuraidesu eye widens.

And then that's when true fear spread throughout the field.

Kanna's entire body blew up with a light.

The demon got burned by the light.

Koren was close to getting burned but he ran into the shield the minute she said that sentence.

The demon burned until there was nothing left and he was dead.

Kanna fell to her knees from over 360 feet high.

Koren ran to catch her but it was too late.

She fell head first into the ground and had died.

She smiled.

It was over.

She was done.

But they didn't know.

They never knew.


No one needs to know.

Let us rest now.

Our duty is done.

Our life, our souls, everything, it's done.

We don't have to worry now.

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