Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Shanna ended up going home with one of her friends and sleeping over to do a project, or at least that was what Shanna told Kanna.

Kanna woke up around 4:30 am.

She did school, cleaned the house, read an entire book, and applied for jobs.

Kanna went shopping and got the daily foods that they needed in their fridge.

It was now 2:00 in the afternoon. Kanna was glad she had no school that day.

Kanna went home and started getting worried. She's heard nothing from Shanna.

Hours had passed and still nothing from Shanna. She tried her cell plenty of times, but she didn't pick up the phone it just went straight to voicemail.

"She can take care of herself, I want meddle in her business anymore than what I have already," Kanna says to herself.

But what Kanna didn't realize was that Shanna had decided to move in with her friends from school.

Riiiiiing Riiiiiing.


"Hey Kanna Sorry for not answering the phone. Anyways um... I decided I'm going to move in with my friends..."


"I know I'm sorry, I'll come by later and pick up my stuff, sorry. I gotta go, Bye."


Kanna slumped to the floor and began crying silently.

Kanna's mind just lept to memories.

------Flash Back-----------------------------------

Kanna and Shanna had just transferred to the school.

Brady walked into the cold room. Upon entering he spots a certain red head. He bent down on one knee and shook her. She opened her eyes. Brady screamed and ran away.

She grinned evilly. Hr saw Kanna's true eyes.

Kanna cried as she remembered this moment, it had happened right after they had met and Kanna used the excuse that they were contacts for her eyes.

Kanna decided to go for a long walk.

It started to rain.

Kanna walked for a bit longer, and she bumped into something?..

She looked down, it was a puppy. She smiled and picked the dog up.

"Do you not have a home little guy?" Kanna smiled and put the puppy under her coat, and Kanna headed for home.

Shanna was there picking up her stuff. Kanna scowled at her.

"Kanna, when did we get a dog?" Shanna asked as she looked at the wet Kanna.

"You didn't get the dog. I did."

"Uh, right, sorry."

"Hurry up and get your stuff, Shanna."
"What's your issue?" Shanna asked getting a little ticked off.

"Nothing. Just hurry up and get out!" Kanna began to raise her voice.

"What is your problem!?" Shanna yells dropping a box to the ground.

"Nothing! Get out!"

"Why should I? When you won't tell me what the hell's wrong with you!"

Kanna blew up at this point, screaming at Shanna. Shanna screamed back, until her voice went hoarse.

Shanna left with her stuff. Kanna slammed the front door behind Shanna. Kanna went and layed down in her bed. She knew this was going to be a good dream until she felt something weird inside.

Kanna came across this breathtaking valley.

As she walked further into the forest, she touched the color changing leaves and bushes. Her bare feet scrunching the dirt and leaves. Kanna liked this dream... Or was this reality?

she felt a raindrop, drop onto her forehead, it came from a giant leaved tree.

Kanna laughed as she ran through the forest barefoot, laughing as she touched all the bushes. she loved to see all the colors emitting from the trees and the leafs and the ground and everywhere!

Kanna came across a lake. She touched the water with the tip of her finger, and then entered the moon lit pool.

She laid in the water and floated. She slowly sunk underneath the surface of the beautifully blue water.

Little wisps surrounded Kanna underneath the water. They touched the gem embedded into her head, and the gem began to glow so bright it would blind a normal human. Kanna's smile fades.

'Why am I here? What am I doing?'

(A/N Hey guys! So for those not knowing where this chapter ended on, or what kind of note it ended on. Kanna got sucked up into another dimension! Well anyways no more spoilers from me! Anyways, thank you guys for being patient for this story.)

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