What Just Happened?

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Chapter 6


'Well, i guess i'm gonna have to tell Loxtren about him having to come back, he's not gonna be happy about it. He hasn't even finished what he has started, I know he is gonna be mad about it, but there's nothing i can do about it.'

"Kanna, wait up!"

"Sky, there's no further discussion, needed," Kanna says turning around to face the blonde.

"Look, I found out a better idea for recruitment," Sky says holding Kanna's shoulders.

"And what might that be?" Kanna says with a brow raised.

"We can, use my powers, like y'know my..."

"I know."

"Good, cause i'm, not, good, at explaining..." Sky begins to get wobbly, Kanna quickly touches her forehead with her index finger, her finger emitting a light green glow.

"Hey Koren!"

Koren looks towards Kanna's direction seeing Sky in Kanna's arms,

he scowls looking at Sky.

'I really hate, her guts,' Koren thinks to himself while getting up, his scowl deepening with every step.

He helps Kanna put Sky away into a hospital bed.

He, hates Sky nothing more nothing less he, hates her. Once all of them were done with the meeting, they all get on the train, Koren rests his head against the window of the train.

Aparently the meeting was about another enemy trying to cross the border of machi.

'I hate her, so much,I just can't stand her. I wonder if I hate her because she killed them all, every single one. I know she didn't do it on purpose, and I know that she was in her other form, but I just can't seem to forgive her. I also get a bad vibe from her. She is dangerous, but not dangerous enough that I need to worry. I want revenge so bad but i couldn't well at least not now. Although I will at some point in my life have to show them, my real, power.'

Koren stretches out as they arrive home, he wants to just go home and lay down and sleep and dream.

As they walk up the path to the house, Koren opens the door walking into his room, plopping face first onto the bed.

'I, wonder,'

'What, would happen."


'I could get, my, revenge?'

Koren falls asleep from thinking about slowly, killing Sky.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Koren! Its time to wake up!" Kanna shouts from the kitchen.

"Why, so early Kanna?" Koren asks rubbing his eyes.

"Because we have to go complete this mission that was assigned to us."

"Ah. I see, well then where is Shanna?"

"She isn't feeling well."

"Catch," Kanna says throwing a bottled milkshake to Koren.

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