Making new friends

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Durring lunch Tabby dragged me to her table where she usually sat. Everyone stared at me when I sat down. Great. Either they saw what happend with me and Jason or the gossip had already begun to spread. Tabby sat next to a girl with long strait hair that was a beautiful dark honey color, artaficial highlights not needed. I was instantly awere of my short, puffy black hair. It wasn't curly either. It looked like humitity had a vanetta against it, even when it wasn't humid. It took me about forever to do my short hair. Why? Because my hair liked to be a pain in the butt and be puffy.

Tabby introduced me to every girl and guy sitting at the table. My brain had gone into overdrive trieng to prosses all the names.

As I was eating a girl that looked to be about one year yunger than me leaned around another girl who was short- and comming from me, that's something- that was apparently halarious because everyone was laughing at what she just said.

" Hi, my name is Danaisa." The girl had dark skin and long, braided hair that framed her face perfectly, giving her face an almost adult-like grace and maturity. Lucky.

" I'm Alice." I said, forceing myself to be normal and non awekward. Her eyes widend in interest.

" Oh! You're the one who yelled at Jason, right?" Curiosity burrned in her eyes. I could see eagerness to be the first to hear it from the mouth of the horse on her face. I sighed. Apparetly the gossip had already begun to spread like a freaking rash.

" Um...yeah. I guess you can say that..." I said, not wanting to say something that would provoke more talk about me. I didn't want to end up the school's new entertainment center. I looked around in embaressment, not wanting to really talk about my one-sided yelling match. In result, I got more embaressed. Everyone was stareing at us. Well me, really. I could hear some of the whispered conversations.

" I think she is pregnant with his kid and-"

" A clingy ex-"

" The one that got away-'

" Steamy love hate relationship-"

" Marven the cat-"

The last one made me laugh but my face was red from all the other 'theories' people were comeing up with. I turned around, trying hard not to think about what I just heard and saw. The girl named Danaisa saw my awekwardness and gave me a simpathetic smile that said; " Sorry, but this is going to last for a long while." I just sighed.

After that, the next one that tried to talk to me was the girl with the extreamly long honey hair and hazel eyes that sparkled against her creamy skin. What was everyone so damn pretty!?

" Hi Alice, i'm Adriana." She gave me a perfect smile with dimples and all. I could already feel my self esteam disapateing in her presance. I couldn't think of anything to say to her. Should I complement her on her hair or would that sound weird comeing from me, the new girl? She waited for me to speak so I just gave her an acknowledging nod. She turned around and made sure not to look back at me. Well that worked. Another girl called my name. I inwardly groaned. Why couldn't I just eat in peace? She beamed at me.

" Hi! Im Kiki."

Kiki had brown hair that stuck up from her pony tail. I didn't feel so awkward with my frizzy bun. This was a high shool in real life. Of course.

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