Die in peace

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His hold on me was slowly squeezing the air out of my lungs and I was sure he left a nice, big purple mark on my neck and I had a feeling that this wasn't the strongest he could be. Through all of this, the first thing I thought wasn't 'someone help' 'I should have run' 'I'm going to die' or even, 'I didn't get to say goodby.' Nope. None of those things came into my head first. The first thought to pop into my head was, 'seriously? Isn't that line a bit overused?' After that, I started to panic.

I struggled to pry his hand off my neck put nothing would work. He just stood there with an amused expression on his face, as if he enjoyed the fact that he was the one who held the power. I stopped struggling and stared him defiantly in the eyes. I wouldn't let him enjoy harming me any more than he already was. He frowned.

"Why have you stopped struggling, human? Have you lost your will of self preservation?" His words scared me. The way he bluntly implied that he would kill me. The way that he implied that he wasn't human. It terrified me. This guy was crazier than I originally thought. 'Do not speak.' The voice chimed in. I listened to what it said and just stared into his creepy red eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but a sick sounding moan filled the silence of the empty room. A man stumbled out into the room, looking around.

"Wha...what?" He hadn't noticed us as we were hidden behind the wall that separated the men's and ladies room. The man/monster guy thing clutching my throat like a toddler would do to his favorite blanket and spat out something in Spanish which I assumed was a vulgar curse.

"I knew I was to week for it to last long..." He growled as he eyed the man. Soon, a teen girl with a uniform stumbled in too, looking bewildered. With wide eyes, I stared as five different people stumbled in. They all looked at each other in compleat and utter confusion. 'What did he do to them?' I thought to myself in horror as one girl asked what her name was. 'Manipulation of the aura.' Came the voice. My eyebrows pushed together. What the heck was that? Suddenly, I was jerked out of my thoughts as the man suddenly crushed me to his chest like a greedy fat kid with a snickers bar. I fought the urge to gag at the repugnant smell of rotting flesh and dirt.

"Looks like we're going to have to take this outside." He whispered into my ear. A cold sweat rolled down my back as I tried not to tremble in fear. I knew that if we went out, no one would see me. It was dark outside and only one pitiful street lamp flickered its orange light, occasionally lighting up the foggy, empty street. My heart felt like it was trying to ditch my body and make a run for it.

Before I could scream, wind blasted around me and I went airborne. I was weightless for a few seconds until I began to fall, my stomach in my throat. I came to a ruthless halt when my right side crashed into something cold, hard and wet with a sickening crunch. With a pitiful whimper, I tried to move but I felt the bones in my right arm shift around my in skin in an unnatural way, like the bones in my arm were crushed by a huge weight and all that was left was splinters and dust. I let out a cry as my stomach churned. I couldn't feel my arm and my head was pounding in time with my heart. I gaged and my stomach contents spilled across the alleyway floor. I barely felt the heavy rain pound on me or the trickle of blood slide down my face and be washed away with the rain. 'Watch your surroundings. The danger is still here, it is watching you. Fight.' With fast, shallow breaths, I tried to focus my eyes to be able to see my surroundings through the black haze, beckoning me to give in. It seamed to promise peace and an escape. I fought it and when my eyes finally did focus, I saw two torn grey dress shoes right in front of my face.

"I shouldn't have thrown you so far, shouldn't I?" The raspy voice sighed. "Now you won't be so fun to play with." By instinct, I tried to move away from him but only managed to move back an inch, still on my side on the cold soaked gravel of the dark alleyway. This triggered a sharp pain to shoot through me as my arm shifted into an unnatural position, causing me to dry heave. The man above me tisked and squatted down to be close to me.

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