Maxwell Everdeen

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Jason pulled his shirt on after climbing off me- which was really awkward for me - and gave me a flat look as I shook my head frantically and got up to follow him out into the hall. I was never a goody-goody but this was just going too far beyond my limits.

"Come on Alice." Jason groaned. "Stop being such a wimp. It's not like I'm asking you to smoke weed in the school parking lot." I bet he dose that too. I crossed my arms and gave him a stern look. I was still confused over what happened in the classroom and now he wanted me to do this?

"Jason, I am not skipping class with you. I just won't. What if I get caught? And you still need to answer a lot of questions." Jason responded with a roll of his hypnotic eyes. I really needed to stop staring at them.

"Alice, do you really think we'll get caught? I mean, come on. Look at me." He made a hand gesture toward himself and I scoffed.

"You might not get caught but I will!" Suddenly, there were footsteps coming down the hall. My hearing was so advanced that I could hear the labored pumping of their tired heart and their shortened breath. They sounded like a heavy set person who had a lung condition, probably a smoker. I paused, eyes widened at how fast my mind had worked that out just by listening. And I could also tell they were coming around the corner. Jason had a knowing look in his eyes.

"The security guard is coming around the corner. Either you follow me to freedom or you explain to him why you're not in class." With that, he shot me an overly cheery smile, turned on his heel and began striding away from me quickly. I began to panic and I found myself following him, not wanting to have to sit in the office with the other bad kids after getting caught.

Before I knew it, we were out in the parking lot, the glares bouncing off the cars making my eyes hurt. For once, the hot Florida sun had broke though the usual mirky clouds of our small, swampy town but it hurt the sensitivity of my eyes, giving me a head ache. Jason saw that I was having trouble with the sun light and pulled me to his chest so that he blocked the sunlight. I stiffened slightly.

"I'm going to show you how to turn it off, ok?" I can do that? I just nodded in response.  

''Take a deep breath and imagine a white room. Think about nothing but that white room." I closed my eyes and did as he said. I was shocked when I did in fact find myself in a white room. I looked around and it seemed like I was really in one. Jason's voice echoed through the walls.

"Now imagine a light switch and turn it off." Just as he said that, I found a small electric light switch and I flicked it off. It was like the whole world went on mute. I opened my eyes and the sun no longer hurt my eyes but that wasn't all. All of the sound that I could previously hear seemed to be muted although I could hear the birds chirping, I could no longer hear the flutter of their wings and although I could hear the trees sway in the light wind, I couldn't hear the movements of the small squirrels. I could smell the fresh air but I couldn't smell the slightly heavy sent of the swampy marsh not far from the school or the large trash bin on the other side of the parking lot. I looked up at Jason in wonder.

"How did you do that?"  

"I remember my father telling me that halflings could turn off their advanced senses. I'm not sure about what you are but I figured we could give it a shot. Now come on, you can ask me all the questions you want when we get there." Get where? 

"Where?" He flashed me a mischievous smile.

"You'll see."

Jason easily mounted a sleek dark blue and black bike that I knew was worth more than just a few thousands. My jaw hung low, now that I could see the gorgeous details of the bike. It wasn't american, that I could tell. Jason affectionately stroked the gas tank.

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