Let the war begin!

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A swarm of people came at me with curiosity burning in there eyes. I couldn't complain either because,no matter how much I wanted to deny it,it was partly my fault that they swarmed me like this. I had avoided as much human contact as I possibly could yesterday. I came to class right when the bell rang and I walked as fast as I could so that I wouldn't have to interact. Hey, say what you want about me. I knew that if I talked to a person or people for too long I would say something really stupid. But now I'm vulnerable to each and every person that wants to interrogate me. I huffed a deep sigh and sat at the seat that I sat in yesterday. The kid that sat next to me was really shy and didn't say much yesterday so I knew it was safe to sit next to him. After I sat down I was swarmed with by curious students and their questions. I was annoyed very quickly. It was like a broken record. None of them could come up with a new question to ask. I knew right away when the dumb questions would start too. It always began with "Hi new girl!" Or "Hey newby!" But after a while the got awareness of my apparent awkwardness. All of course except for Jason. He didn't say hi or anything. He just sat next to me,which was weird because you'd think that like everyone he would ask twenty questions or something.

When first period started I rejoiced. No one could come up to my desk and ask the same stupid questions. That's when out of the corner of my eyes I could see Jason staring at me like I was a weirdo. He was probably right,but still.

"What?" I put as much acid into the words as I possibly could. He just laughed

"Your face just makes me laugh,and you need to buy new clothes.you look like a bum." I really wanted to punch him. Which was a surprise to me since it takes a lot to anger me. Usually I'm quiet and peaceful. I just guess he brings out the worst in me.

"Look," I said, anger clearly displayed in my voice. "I haven't done anything to you so just bug off,'k? And FYI it's a uniform." Jason laughed so hard at my expression that the teacher shot a glare at us.

"Where's the other guy that sits here anyway?" That was basically the only sentence that I could think of that had no profanity in it. He didn't answer me. Instead he just Ignored me with a smirk plastered on his face just to annoy me I bet. Oh,let the war begin...it's on.

The rest of the class period I drew a stick figure choking another one. And then one pushing the other off a cliff. Oh,and my favorite,one stick figure with an ax raised above its head while the other had its hands raised,trying not to get hit. Or begging...most likely begging. But these were just works of my imagination,those stick figures had nothing to do with real people....maybe...When class ended I stuffed my drawings into my bag and tried to leave class swiftly and quickly. The key word? Tried. For me there is no such things as quickly and swiftly in the same sentence,ever. As the bell rang I put my bag on my shoulder and only got to stand up before my leg got caught in the chair and I fell flat on my face. Let me tell you,that hurts like sh*t. And,again, I was the laughing stock of the school. Oh, and BOY did Jason have fun with that. He laughed so hard that tears streamed down his cheeks. My own tears of embarrassment threatened to take over my calm mask.

After that,I didn't talk at all. Forget the war,I'm not going to embarrass myself anymore. Oh and how that jerk decided to sit next to me in every class,making fun of me. He kept on calling it "the great fall." I officially hated him. A lot. As class continued he noticed that I wouldn't even look his way so he did something to get my attention right before class ended he yelled as loud as he could-standing up to make a huge show-"STOP STARING AT ME ALICE!" The whole class stared to laugh hysterically, worse than before and eventually it was so loud that you couldn't hear the bell ringing. 'The war is soo back on' I thought. I got up before Jason and right before he walked pass me I stuck my foot out. The guy just gracefully jumped over my foot and kept walking.

"You need to try harder than that Alice." He called over his shoulder and sent me a wink before exiting the room. I let out a loud,heavy sigh before leaving the room too.

I went to bed early because I had no desires to talk about my school horrors. I had a nightmare. Just the way to end your day,right?-which was weird because I usually don't remember any dreams that I ever have,but how could I forget? I was in a dark ally and there was a guy. He kept walking toward me and he was BIG. But that was all I could see. He was swathed in the darkness of shadows and the only thing I could see were the gleaming teeth in his smile. He's smile was directed to me, like I was the best thing in the world. But something in his smile disturbed me. Then he crouched down in a animal like position,something a hunting lion would use. That was when it clicked. He had fangs! Big, sharp knives where his canines should have been. And his smile wasn't a smile,it was more of a furious grin. Just as I registered that I was in danger he launched himself toward me. I woke up gasping for air like I was held under water for a while. My eyes drooped close as sleep over took me and I thought for a second that my pendant was glowing aqua blue. I shook my head and rolled into a caterpillar ball and fell into my usual,dreamless sleep.

My third day of school. I didn't think it would be that bad. Boy was I wrong. Tabby tried to sit next to me in homeroom but Jason took her spot. Great. Just great. "Jason," I sighed, "Don't you have a cell, T.V, something else that gives you entertainment?"

He flashed me a smirk. "Hey,nothing is better than live entertainment."

I narrowed my eyes as I sat down. Jason grabbed onto my chair and pulled it toward him with a cheeky smile. "Can't you leave me alone?" I said while scooting my chair as far away from him as the table would allow.

"No." Jason was so serious sounding that I almost believed him.

"Look," I sighed."Can I at least sit with my friend?"

" What!? And I'm not?" He said in a mocking voice,his eyes taunting me ,daring me to do something. I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Friends don't give friends headaches, laugh at every move they make and make the other one want to be shot just to not be near the other." I said, still rubbing my temples, eyes closed. I heard a chuckle and looked up to see Jason's eyes sparkling, clearly enjoying this.

"Ooh,burn. How long have you been working on that one,love?" I shot daggers at him with my eyes. Then I remembered the expression, if looks could kill, and suddenly wished it was true.

"What did you call me?" My voice was a low hiss as I stared at him.

"Looooveeee, you like it? It's my new nick name for you,it's ironic because you seem to hold none for me." I could have sworn I saw a bit of pain flash in his eyes but then they were mocking again so I thought it was just me.

"Don't call me that." I snapped. He was going to say something but then the bell rang and I stood up and just when I was about to leave for second period Jason passed me and called out behind his shoulder " love!" In a surprisingly good sing song voice.

The rest of the day,and weeks it was me snapping at him and him finding something to say to tick me off. And, the guy was never absent! For three weeks strait it was him singing over and over again " love love love" loud enough for me to hear and low enough for every one else not to, for a whole period. Or,if he got bored, a comment on my IQ or my hair. I swear I was going to punch him one day.

On Saturdays it was very peaceful. Life without Jason was peaceful. After three weeks of no furniture, the furniture we ordered was finely here, along with my bead room set. I was very happy that weekened. Relieved even. The house was done and there was nothing to do so I called Tabby.

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