Teen wolf

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Jason stared at me for a long time, an inner battle raging on in his thoughts. It was dead silent for a few minutes as we just stared at each other. My body still felt uncomfortable but not to the excruciating level it was before. It was barely there and easily ignored.

After a long, stone cold silence, Jason took a deep breath and released it slowly. When he finally spoke, I was shocked at how normal he sounded. Relaxed.

"Ever heard of Teen Wolf?" He asked. I stared at him blankly. 'I just asked him a serious question that my sanity rides on and he's asking me about a teen werewolf sho- oh.' My eyes widened.

"You're kidding me." My voice shook. "You turn into a gian furry dog every full moon?" My eyes were wide as I stared at him. I wasn't scared, just...shooken up. Jason ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Not exactly." Was all he said. He got up off the bed and began looking around. He picked up some random books that were on my desk.

"The Picture Of Dorian Grey?" He turned to me with raised eyebrows. "I didn't think you would be into the classics." He turned around and kept looking at my books, which nine out of ten were classics. He snorted. "You're such a nerd." I scoffed

"I'm not a nerd. Just smarter than you." I said snootily, my chin heald high. He set my book down and turned around to look at me.

"Alice, there are many kinds of smart and in my world, you have the intellect of a child." He shrugged and continued going through my things, now looking though my wardrobe. I crossed my arms over my chest, a bit insulted.

"What do you mean, the intellect of a child?" I was answered with a quiet snicker. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. His body was hidden by the shadows of my room that were untouched by moonlight. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look. I gasped, suddenly, my vision went hasy and I couldn't see anything at all. It was like looking though extremely clouded water.

I let out a whimper and squeezed my eyes closed. "J-Jason." My voice shook. "Why can't I see?" Suddenly, warm hands were on my face, gently prying my eyes open. His warm breath washed over my face as he spoke which smelled like..Nerds? His breath smelled like candy. 'I wonder if he tasts like it too...' I was shocked by that thought and I could feel my cheeks go red. I concentrated instead on the presence I could feel pacing back and forth infront of me.

"Jason. What's wrong with me?" I felt hands lift my chin so that I was at eye level with him.

"Open your eyes." Was all he said. The cloudiness wasn't as bad as it used to be and I could see sploches of colors that weren't as bright in the darkness of the night.

"What's happening?" I demanded. He released me and I could feel him walk away. I as about to call out for him but his voice spoke first.

"Nothing is wrong with you. You're eyesight is getting better." He said, but the edge in his voice suggested that there was something else.

"I can't see. Do you call that better?" I snapped. "And what else is there, Jason." I growled. All of this was making me tierd and moody.

"You're eyes are getting better. You're brain just has to catch up. It's like putting on prescription glasses that are way to strong for you. Just give it a moment. And I'm just worried because you're metamorphosis is just going way too fast. You're not suposed to start changing untill hours later from the initial introduction of my DNA to your blood stream but you're a day ahead of schedule. You're not even supposed to be getting enhanced eye sight untill the second transition."

I stared at him blankly for a long time, processing his words. As I thought, the world around me became less and less blurry. Soon enough, I could see again. It was like there was a light on in my room and I could see every detail, everything was just darker shades of color from where the shadows hit them.

"So, you're saying I'm premature?" I asked, finally staring Jason in the eyes. He just nodded.

"What was that thing that attacked me?" My voice cracked as a sudden onslaught of memories seized my thoughts. In a flash, Jason was by my side pulling me to his side. I clung to him like a baby koala, the fear returning to me.

"Vampir." Was all he said. I looked up at him in confusion.


"It's German for vampire. Werewolves originated from Germany." I looked up at him like a little kid, fascinated.

"Really?" He nodded. He shifted so that he was half laying down and half leaning in the headboard of my bed. I sat indian style next to him . He beckoned me to lay down next to him but I shook my head. I did not trust him one bit when it came to keeping his hands to himself. He sighed and shrugged in a 'I tried' gesture.

"Werewolf history gose all the way back to the beginning of Germany although there have been random records and legends going way back before that, a lot of our history is german. Back then, we were hated, like any supernatural being and we had to live in the forests, away from the superstitious humans. We were feral and angry, with no civil thoughts. We usually lost our tempers in a blink of an eye and were dangerous to be around. We were more wolf than man. And that's where some of the stories come from." He said.

Jason laid down and folded his hands behind his head, staring at the sealing. I shuffled closer to him, curiosity burning inside of me.

"What legends?" I asked quietly, watching him with curious eyes. He didn't look rabid, like he described his ancestors.

"Lots of them. There were two brothers that did keep detailed disciptions of encounters with 'Der Werwolf.' The werewolf. In the supernatural world, we are called Demutator. Latin is the universal code for supernaturals, the dead language to humans. Anyway, the brothers Grimm were observers of these creatures. Several of these encounters were morphed into stories of fairy tails as people began to forget about us and we became things of legend. You might know alot of these encounters. Little red riding hood or Little red cap, The wolf and the seven little kids, the wolf and the man, so on and so on. There's also the three little pigs." He finished with a shrug of his shoulders.

"We're smart by nature and were struggling to survive, we were deceitful and cunning. Humans were often just sources of food. We don't need to feed on human flesh or any flesh at all. Hell, we're half human we can be vegetarians if we want. Some of us knew that and didn't harm the humans. Through time, we became more civilized and our human side took control like it was ment to around the end of the midle ages but humans were still paranoid about 'the demons of the night' which was anything that wasn't on hundred percent human." I stared at him with wide eyes.

"What exactly is happening? To me? And don't you dare say I'm changing. I want to know WHAT I'm changing into." I said firmly. He huffed a resigned sigh.

"You SHOULD be turning into a halfling. Basically, a werewolf but with less strength. Don't give me that look! You were dying. Anyway, you weren't exactly human back when, so I don't know exactly what you're turning into but for now, you're alive and not rabid!" He said the last part cheerfully, trying to distract me from the horror of his words.

"So...I could turn into an evil, blood thirsty monster and that's all you have to say?" I glared. He shot me a Crest White smile and got up. He strode over to my window and looked back at me.

"Yup. I've gotta go. Just know that from now on, I'll have to keep an eye on you...won't that be fun?" He said cheerfully. I gave him a droll stare.

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?" He swiftly climbed out of the window and left. My phone vibrated. I walked over to my desk where it sat and looked at the screen. There was a small square with a text from a number that read 'Batman'. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the text out of curiosity.

'Nope' read the text. I scoffed and texted the number back.

'When did u get 2 my phone?'

'When u were snoring away. Ps, u druled a little. Night Biscuit' I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes, fatigue rolling over me like a wave.

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