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(None of this book is edited, by the way so bare with me, dear reader)

After Jason had told me that I had died and done a Elizabeth Taylor, I snapped. There were two parts of my mind that were fighting intensely for my submission to their reasoning. One part strongly objected to all of what was going on. Basically, my brain was trying to fight against the physical and mental trauma that I had gone through only a few hours ago. The only self defense it had was to forget everything, wipe the slate clean. It was telling me to deny it all, not to believe that what I witnessed while dancing in and out of death's reach, was definitely NOT human. This part of my brain-though strong-was being overpowered by an increasingly more dominant part of me that I didn't even know existed. It was like anther half of me was making it's self known.

This part of my brain was keeping me from blacking out and chucking all of tonight's events into a dark corner of my mind. In fact, it was urging me to embrace it. It was like a light had been turned on inside my head and my thoughts processed faster and as my mind raced, the human, normal reaction to all of this was being slowly smothered and I couldn't take it. On top of my brain going in almost a melt down because of this new, more agressive side in me- evidently smothering the more human part-my body was still in shock from healing so quickly. I had no broken bones, bruses or even scars. My head pounded and I felt feverish. My stomach churned in a way that almost made me gag and I wrapped my arms tightly around my torso, shaking violently.

Now that my brain was expanding it's mental capacity due to an unknown force, pushing past the human limits that acted as a barrier against more advanced functions, a small part of me acknowledged the fact that Jason had taken me into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder, my back against his chest, gently running his hand through my now sweaty hair in a surprisingly soothing fashion. The look in his eyes suggested that he had an idea of what was happening to me and knew he couldn't do anything about it other than what he was doing now.

That observation was made at the back of my mind because currently, I was focused on how uncomfortable my own body had become. My skin felt tight, like leather cloths two sizes too small and itchy, slightly burning. I had the urge to shed my skin like a snake and just crawl away from my body's turmoil. It was like the strong presence in my mind was taking over compleatly and changing me from the inside. And currently, all I wanted was out. I let out a whimper as my heated skin began to rise higher in temperature. Just as the heat began to become unbearably hot, I started to rapidly cool down and in a matter of seconds, it felt like ice was injected into my veins.

I shook violently, my teeth clashing together so hard I thought they might shatter. My breathing was fast and shallow, like I was hyperventilating. Through all of this, another part of my mind took tabs that my heart wasn't beating right. It wasn't pumping fast, like it should or pumping eavenly like a healthy human heart would on a normal cercomstance. Nope. It was barely beating at all. At the rate my heart was going, I should have been dead. Then again, I felt like I was dying. Slowly, my body stopped shaking and relaxed, going back to normal. Exhaustion washed over me and I sagged in Jason's arms. The pounding in my head slowly decreased and I was left without energy at all.

I could barely tilt my head up and a coolness brushed my face and for the first time, I noticed that tears were poring down my face. Jason's warm hand brushed away my tears, the warmth of him chasing away the last of the ice in my veins.

"What just happened?" I croaked, my throat dry and tight. Guilt flashed through his eyes but was quickly replaced with pity.

"You're changing...and this isn't the last...episode you'll have..." He trailed off, the guilt and pity was stronger now, as if he hadn't told me the worst part yet. I felt tears prickle at my eyes.

"What else?" My voice was weak but less scratchy. He looked away and didn't answer for a while. Finally, he looked back at me.

"I'm sorry. I had to save you. I couldn't just let you die." He tried to justify his actions but it sounded that he was talking to himself. "Saving you costs a price's going to hurt. It's going to get worse for days. I've heard stories....the change is going to happen randomly over the space of three days...and each time gets more painful." His eyes had dropped down, refusing to look at the person he had unintentionally inflicted pain upon. Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. I couldn't go through more pain. I didn't think I could survive more pain than I had gone through today. I wasn't sure I would survive anymore pain. And above all of this? I was so very, very confused.

I looked up at Jason, a shaky, weak hand resting on his warm chest, forcing him to look at me. When we locked eyes, I gave him a firm look. "If I'm going to go through agony, I should at least know why. What happened back there, Jason? What's happening? And...and..." I could barely bring myself to ask the last question for so many reasons.

"What are you?"

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