Apparently, YOLO doesn't apply to me.

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A/N What do you guys think about the girl on the side for Alice? Her name is Astrid Fresby

I yawned and opened my eyes, stretching. I looked out the small window that poured light into my small, creaky wooden floored room. As I sat up and looked out the window, my blanket fell off me and the cold seeped into my warm body. I shivered and wrapped the blanket around myself. I felt odd, like something was wrong. Everything was comfortable and familiar but it felt wrong to be here. I shuffled to my small window and looked out, astounded to see snow covering the world outside. Then it clicked like that one Lego piece that didn't seam to want to be part of the Lego robot you were making and finally snapped into place. I was back in Pennsylvania, in my old home. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Was it all a dream then? Did I never move in the first place? My heart dropped a bit. I had started liking my new home, my friends, and I was even starting to grow a good amount of tolerance against Jason. I was a bit glad too. At least I wasn't shredded to bits by a psycho vamp and hearing voices. It defiantly had to all be a dream. A very, very vivid one. I turned away from the window to go downstairs when I heard a voice. The same voice that was speaking to me in my dream.

"You have it all wrong, fiic." The voice wasn't a whisper this time. It was as if someone was in the room with me. I froze, startled and freaking out.

"THIS is the dream. I am protecting you through the dream." I turned around, full circle, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Protecting me from what?" I asked.

"Over here, fiic." The voice came from behind me and with a startled jump, I turned but no one was there, just my window.

"Look closer." She advised. I squinted my eyes and beyond the frost covering of my window, I could make out a feminine shape, but that was all I could see. The shape. I tried to scrape off the frost but more would creep up way too quickly to be natural. There was a wistful sigh.

"You are not ready for that yet, fiic." I stared the shape under the bare tree, standing in the snow. The cold of the winter atmosphere seemed to dissipate once I started to shiver. I guessed it was the voice's doing.

"What's going on?" My voice trembled as the memories of what happened before I blacked out came back, the pain and the horror. How I was too weak to fight back and the mystery guy who made me feel better, made me hurt like never before and made me feel better again.

Suddenly, a wave of peacefulness washed over me. "Be calm fiic, be calm." The voice soothed. "You're safe. I am protecting you." My eyebrows furrowed once again.

"What do you mean, 'protecting me?' Protecting me from what?" I asked, pressing my palms to the cool glass, squinting my eyes to see if I could see the figure any clearer.

"The pain. I am protecting you from the pain. You are transitioning into something I have no control over. All I can do is take the pain by keeping you asleep. But be warned, fiic. There is only so much pain I can remove. The pain will increase and I will not be able to help you. You will be at the mercy of nature and how your body reacts." I gulped. This didn't seem vary pleasant.

"W-what do you mean transitioning? What's happening to my body?" Oh god. This sounded like a really messed up version of puberty.

"You are changing. The human side of you is no longer dominant. It is, in fact, slowly being devoured by your two other parts." My eyes widened. That sound like a line from a horror movie.

"Devoured?" I squeaked. There was another wistful sigh.

"Yes. It was a foolish but very wise move by the wolf. He could have killed you. He had no idea what he was doing but ultimately he did save you." She said, sounding both irritated and thankful.

"Killed me?" I seamed to not be able to do anything but parrot the voice. The voice was now pained, as if the thought of me dying caused her physical pain.

"Yes. The two parts trying to merge with you would have ultimately killed you, had the human part not balanced it out. It is very complicated and you must wake up. The pain is gone. For now..." The voice faded away, leaving a cold, lonely echo.

"NO! Wait!" I banged my hands against the cold window glass, desperately needing answers. "What wolf?! What attacked me?! Who was the guy that saved me?!" the scene started to fade into black, like a shadow passing over the land and I struggled to not fade along with everything the shadow touched but eventually the blackness got me too.

I woke up with a gasp, inhaling the humid Florida air like a person held underwater far too long. My body ached and I was sticky with sweat. The thin blue sheets on my bed were tangled and twisted around my aching form. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. It was too tight and I just wanted to crawl out of it. I felt strange and alien in my own body. The feeling slowly left but it still left a lingering sensation. The large window in front of my bed was open and the breeze caressed my hot body gently, cooling me down and calming my rapid heartbeat. The moon shone though and a dull, silvery light provided enough light to make out the shapes of my room. That was when I noticed that I was in fact, not alone.

I was resting my head on a wide, strong chest that moved up and down slightly as the person inhaled and exhaled. I was frozen as I could feel a warm hand gently run though my hair in a surprisingly soothing manner.

I moved to jump out of the intruders way-to-comfortable-embrace but was jolted to a halt by a grip that would give iron chains a run for their money. I smacked and scratched at the boa constrictor arms that were now wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer to the intruder but it made no difference. I took in a lungful of air, ready to scream rape when a large hot hand clamped over my mouth. I struggled, trying to do the death roll like I've seen crocodiles do on Animal Planet but failed miserably as he kept me firmly in place, his grasp never wavering.

A deep snicker sounded from behind me as I attempted to bite his hand. "Did you seriously just try biting me? I hate to brake it to you, biscuit, but that didn't hurt." He whispered mockingly in my ear. I tilted my head, momentarily distracted.

"Piscut?" I asked aloud, his hand muffling my voice as I meant to say biscuit but odd enough, he understood me.

"It's an inside joke. I might explain it to you one day." I felt him shrug. His voice was familiar and sent bumps crawling allover my body. I struggled to get out of his grasp again but to no avail.

"ET MEH GOH!" I screamed. I could practically hear Jason roll his eyes.

"Calm down, will ya? I'm the one who saved your sorry ass." He said, turning me around so that I faced him while keeping a good grip on me. He flashed a wicked smirk at my wide-eyed expression. Now, I was terrified.

He rolled his eyes. "Calm the hell down. I'm not going to do anything to you...unless you want me to" He said the last part in a sultry voice that had my heart in my throat as he winked at me. I let out a small squeak and he laughed and slowly let go, making sure I wouldn't freak out and run, knowing he would catch me in less than a second. I was internally freaking out.

"You, Alice, just died and came back to life." He informed me. Now I was beyond freaking out about what i just found out. Apparently, YOLO doesn't apply to me.

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