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I woke up to a high pitched noise that grated at my eardrum painfully. My eyes snapped open to see my mother hovering over me, tears streaming down her face and my father trying to console my sister who had a terrified and panic stricken look on her face, although his face was contorted in terror as well.

That was when I felt it, knew the high pitched sound was actually my continuous screaming.

I couldn't stop screaming. The increadable pain wouldn't let me. I couldn't describe it acurately, no matter how many times I try. It's not the kind of pain you remember. It's the kind you feel. I was burning, to put it simply. In between my screams, I was gasping for air. It wasn't the typical heat you felt durring a feaver either. I was burning from the inside out. It wasn't a stinging pain, either. It was a slow, torturous fire that burned me from within. It felt like someone lit a match on my insides.

My screams were cut off with a gurgle as a thick, coppery liquid forcefully pushed it's way forward through my throat and I began to choak on my own blood. I gaged but I couldn't move. Each movement I made was responded with a stab of pain. Each time I moved, it felt as if a hot branding iron was being pressed into my skin to the point were it would melt through. I didn't know how I was still concious. Wasn't I supposed to black out by now? I was in so much pain, I became animalistic, crazed by agony.

My mother shifted me on my side so that I wouldn't choke on my own blood and I jerked away from her, the light pressure of her hands on my hot, extreamly sesitive skin was unbearible. I went to the very edge of the bed, the pain rising higher. I curled up on my side, my back facing my mother. I was trembling uncontroalably to the point where my teeth chattered.

"Don't-D-Don't touch me." My voice was a trembling whisper. "It hurts, mommy. It hurts so bad." I croaked. A strangled sob came from behind me as my mother couldn't stand the sight of her child in agony. This was by far worse than the vampire attack.

There was a loud crack and my back twisted in one of those horrifying excorsist poses. My screams were now rougher and lower as the burning increased in my throat. Soon, my mouth was open but no sound was coming out. I managed to curl back into myself but then jerked to the edge of the bed and threw up not just blood and food, but chunks of what looked like tissue. My breathing was shallow and I couldn't stop gaging.

Another crack and my arm twisted in an odd angle and then snapped back into place, only to snap back again. My body cunvulsed as my bones snapped and healed in different places multiple times.

Sudenly,my gums began to bleed, the now familure taste of copper fulling my mouth. I spat out the blood but white blood stained teeth came out as well. I let out a strangled cry, the tears coming down my face feeling like acid upon my skin.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed, my voice having come back, stronger than ever. It was horse and gurgled though, due to the agony that was overwheling me. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me.

A liquid began pooring out of my ears. I lifted my trembling hand, touched my cheek and pulled away to revial that my blood was pooring out of them too. I couldn't breath. I couldn't see. My eyesight became tinged with red. I was dying. Again. Death seemed to have a hard clame on me.

A blue shirt appeared before me and latex gloved hands reached twoard me. I let out a warning hiss, daring them to cause me any more pain. The hand's fingers spread in a gesture of peace. Gently as they could-and with my fragile state, that meant not geantly at all- they lifted me up, followed by three other pairs of hands. I was placed on a stretcher and carted out. My head lolled to the side and the last thing I saw before my body shut down, was my mother sobbing into my father's chest as he held her. A nurse held my sister back as she kicked and screamed, reaching toward me. Hey blue eyes were reddish and clouded with tears.

When I woke up, I could barely open my eyelids, let alone think. The bright lights blinded me for a moment before I could see again as my eyes adjusted. A doctor came in with a clip board and dropped it, a panicked look swiped over his calm mask. He ran to my bedside and looked at my monitors and then felt my skin. For some reason, I couldn't feel his hand against mine but it was better to be numb than the pain that I seemed to endure the entire night. His eyes widened even further. He pressed a button on the wall and spoke urgently into the intercom.

"She's having severe hypothermia!" Not long afterward, an army of nurses rushed into the room with loads of equipment.  

" We need to start Extracorporeal rewarming." The doctor said urgently. I didn't understand what he was saying and I couldn't see it either because I blacked out again.

When I reopened my eyes, the room was dark except a dull yellow light emanating from the lamp on the nightstand by my hospital bed. I immediately tensed. I felt...wrong. I felt sore and I couldn't remember why but that wasn't the only thing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My heart began to beat faster as my sharp eyes spotted the dark figure sneaking in through my hospital window.

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