My first day at school part 2

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And now I know why. My seat was in the very back of the room right next to the wall. But that's not why they were staring oh no,not at all. The reason why they were staring was because my seat was next to...guess who? Jason. Aww isn't my luck amazing. Ooh and you now what makes this so so much better? He was looking straight at me, smirking. What I wouldn't give to choke him, and I was usually the peaceful one! As if they need another reason to gossip about me...why?

By the time I got to my seat every person in the room was watching. " The class is over here." Said the middle aged teacher, calling the attention back to her. I sighed in relief. I took out my note book and felt that weird feeling people get when they're being watched. When I looked up I saw Jason staring at me. I cringed away from his critical eyes.

"Hey,I'm Jason." Jason had a medium type husky voice but was sorta...silky? I guess that's the best way to describe it. It was just so smooth, it surprised me. And from close up I could see just how defined his body really was. It was defined but lanky and not at all described as buff but you could definitely see the muscle under the skin....and his uniform....drool...STOP IT ALICE! Bad girl! Bad, bad, BAD girl!

A shaky; "Um..." Was all that came out. Nice. I chided myself. Now he thinks your mentally incapable. He laughed at me and I felt confused and attracted at the same confusing!

"And you must be my new secret admire. That's cool but I think I have enough and they might not welcome you into the club." He chuckled and jerked chin forward towards the rest of the class where the whole female population of the class sat glaring. The guys looked like they where waiting for a cat fight to start.

"I am NOT a stalker and I'm sure as hell not yours!" I said a little too loud when I looked the direction he pointed out and saw the group of girls glaring at me. That definitely got my brain working.

"Hey..I didn't say stalker..though they look like ones don't they?" He laughed quietly when the teacher sent us a hard look before proceeding with her lecture. Jason smiled like he was Gods gift to the world..mainly the female part. Arrogant idiot. I was very tempted to step on this foot and sick my tongue out at him like a five year old. But I thought better of it. He would probably be all the more amused. As if he wasn't already. I turned and faced the teacher.

"So." He said after a moment of silence. " You just spend all your time staring at hot,smart people like me?"

Ok so he obviously wanted to tick me off. Well it worked. I whipped around in my seat to look at him.

"Ooh, don't we have a big ego." I scoffed. "You just wish I was the one stalking you" When I turned back around and I could have sworn that my amulet flickered. Like a light dose. I shook by head. Jason busted into a fit of laughter for a while. I just sat their and seethed until the bell rang.

By then his laughter stopped and I practically jumped to get away from him. He noticed and tried to stop himself from bursting into laughter again. I walked briskly, hoping that I could get away before the laughter started. I was to late and laughter filled the room right when I was at the door. Great. Another fan of my comedy club.

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At home mom was cooking my favorite food.Rice beans and white chocolate cookies,-I was always a white chocolate freak. I always thought that regular chocolate was inferior to white chocolate.- today in honor of me and my sister's first day of school. Mom made us sit at the table,or at least were it should be. We didn't have a dining table yet since we just moved in three days ago.

"So,how was school today girls?" Mom said in her soft Spanish accent, handing a plate of food to my dad before sitting down and frowned at my dinner composed of mostly cookies. I didn't answer her question though,I didn't want to relive the terrors of today.

My sister, Juliet started to babble on and on about how she was BFF's with some little girls in her grade. Juliet had long blond hair and crystal clear blue eyes. My sister is what one would call...sociable. And me? The thought almost made me laugh.

I wasn't listening when mom called me, I was too into my cookies.

"Alice!" I looked up and everyone was waiting me to answer the question I didn't hear.

"Huh?" I looked up with a cookie stuffed into my mouth.

"Alice,every one shared their day,how was yours?"

I stayed silent,not wanting embarrassment at home too.

After a while my little sister got bored so she shouted," ha ha Alice doesn't have friends 'cause she's antisocial!" Well,so much for avoiding my social inability. My day had sucked and now I had my sister adding to the pile. I just said the most non severe thing I could think of.

"Shut up cockroach." Juliet has some weird fear of cockroaches for no reason. You even say the word and she freaks out. Don't ask me why.

"Shut up Alice!" Juliet screamed and covers her ears. I snickered.

" Alice! Juliet!" Mom yelled at us and started ranting on and on about respecting one another. I could feel my eyes glaze over as I tuned it all out and ate cookies until she was done ranting.

Later on after I took a shower I took half the blankets we had and spread them out on the floor of my soon to be room. I couldn't get to sleep so I took out my favorite book out. Jain Eyre. I felt so bad for the poor girl. Like me, she lived with a family that she didn't belong with. But at least mine truly loved me.

"Alice! Alice!" I woke up from a dream I couldn't remember.

"Wha..." I was so tired.

"Alice,school!" my moms voice came from the door.

I groan "ugh fine!" Mom left and I got up to preform my daily routine. Then I fell back asleep. When I awoke it was time to leave for school. The beginning of school was already promising a bad day as I tried my best not to get squished by guys twice my size, while every one tried to get to home room. When I got to home room my eyes practically bugged out of my head.

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