Pride and Prejudice

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So I have chosen to just continue this story and I haven't posted in a long time so ta-da! P.S, NO J, I WILL NOT GET RID OF HIM, HE IS NECESSARY. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE -.- XD

It was like dealing with bratty children. Jason was obviously itching for a fight and Max was undoubtedly spurring him on. Not to mention I was going to lose my own temper and smack the both of them. Thank god that after a few minutes, they just resorted to childishly glaring at each other.

I sat on the desk now with Jenifer and we began to talk, still half monitoring the two idiots. My emotions still weren’t exactly stable and they were not helping.  

“So you’re his sister?” I asked, seeing absolutely no resemblance at all. They were complete opposites from what I had seen so far. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Yes. I get that question lots of times. Max is my half brother. We’ve got different mothers.” She explained. Maxwell looked up at his sister when he heard mention of his mother. He gave his sister a small, sad smile that she returned. I had no idea what that meant but there seemed to be a sort of sibling connection.

“So you guys live here with your father, then?” I asked, curious about their lifestyle. Who wanted their kids to live in a circus? But then again, I guessed they were safe surrounded by other supernaturals that they knew and were friends with.

“No.”  Jenifer said quickly, looking down at the cool wooden surface of the desk. I looked at Max who was steadily glaring down at the ground with hateful eyes. My eyebrows pushed together in confusion and curiosity at the sudden change in emotions when I mentioned their dad.

“So-” My question was cut off by a firm, reprimanding male voice in my head, almost startling me off of the desk. Alice. No. I looked up at Jason who was shaking his head at me silently and I sighed. This was obviously a touchy subject I should not have broached.

The tent flaps were pushed side with massive hands and the tall man walked back in. Romano glanced down at the two calmer boys and a small smile appeared on his cracked lips.

“See. I knew you two could get along.”  He said triumphantly, a chuckle rumbling it’s way through his expansive chest. He still sort of frightened me but not so much now. Jason stood up, ready to get out of this place as soon as the giant would allow.

“Not get along.” He said lazily as he avoided looking at Max, most likely evading another row by doing so.

“Just stand each other.” Maxwell stood gracefully, giving Romano his characteristic charming smile.  Romano shrugged he massive shoulders, clapping a hand on Max’s back with a loud smack that made me flinch but didn’t seem to affect the one being hit.

“Good enough for me.” Romano said, laughing in a deep, jolly way you’d think that Santa Clause would have. “Now boys, I’m going to let you out and you won’t so much as blink at each other the wrong way. Do I make myself clear?” He asked firmly. He got half nods and shrugs from them, which he then again took as good enough. He exited the tent and when we walked out, he was gone.

“Well this was fun.” Jason said dryly as he ran a hand through his hair. “Come on, Alice. It’s getting late.” He glanced up at the dimming sunlight and looked back down to me. I nodded and began following him, knowing that things got dangerous when the sun went down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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