You asshole

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You know those subtle changes that happen? They're barely there but they still drive you insane? Still not getting it? Here, let me help. Remember that day that you stayed home, flipping through channels and found your favorite childhood show? Remember when the theme song changed - just slightly - and it ruined your episode completely? How about the time that you found your favorite song on the radio and instead of it being the version you fell in love with, it's a remixed edition? Or there's a random rap in the middle of the song for no reason?

Well, my life had endured that subtle change, and as humans, we're creatures of habit so we don't take change very well. So you can imagine my great displeasure when my body suddenly decides to point out how non human I was now. As I went through the day, light hurt my eyes and I spent most of my time looking at the floor, avoiding direct lighting. I was still a few inches taller than I used to be so as I walked down the steps to get to my next class, I almost tripped but my body seemed to act on it's own accordance- like it was on auto pilot - and I ended up gracefully leaped over the step instead. 

Not only that, but my hearing was now very sensitive and I had to tell my friends to speak to me quietly, their normal volumes obnoxiously loud to my ears. My nose was also very sharp and I almost threw up when I passed a trash can by the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I had to keep reminding myself that I was looking at myself. No one noticed the slight change in my voice but I did, with my hearing and everything. It was odd, like I was in those foreign movies and I was being voiced over. 

And as I went though all of this, Jason was never there to help me. In fact, He was was gone the entire day. I had so many questions and I was so confused, lost and frightened and he wasn't there once. And I always got this weird feeling. The one you got when you were being watched...but more intence. The hair on the back of my neck stood up straight on edge but then the feeling would go as quickly as it came. Another thing Jason didn't help me with? My mood swings. I was angered quickly and depressed even quicker. My thoughts were hectic and I felt like I was l was slowly going insane. 

It was like I was pregnant. I was hungry all the time and when I finally got lunch, It wasn't enough. I needed more food. I ended up eating Tabby's and Keke's food along side mine while they watched with wide eyes. I gulped down the food and stood up, feeling restless. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said quickly, getting used to my new voice. With that, I gracefully stood up and stood out the cafeteria keenly aware of all the eyes watching me. I walked down the hallway to the bathroom when a sigh so low, I almost didn't catch it. I tilted my head to the side trying to get a better hint of where it came from when I heard it again. Full of curiosity, I walked toward the sound, stopping at an empty class room.  The sounds that I could here now were simply sinful. I should have turned around and left, I really should have but a dark, morbid curiosity rose within me, nothing like me. 

I walked closer and peeked through the darkened class room. The lights were off and the blinds were closed but I could see perfectly and I wish I couldn't. There, on top the teacher's desk was a shirtless guy, pinning a topless girl- and I mean that there was nothing there- to the desk with one hand, the other one doing things that made me blush. Another sigh came from her and then she moaned his name. 

I would have ran away from the scene had anger not bubbled up in me. I have never been so angry in my life. It wasn't jealousy, but pure rage. And not toward the girl. No, not her she did nothing wrong but fall for him. A lot of people did. Without thinking, I marched into the room, anger fueling every step I made.    Rage spurred on my actions, but you have to know that I wasn't in control. It was like someone else pushed me off the drivers seat and took charge. My hand shot out and I gripped Jason's feather soft hair and literally pulled him off the girl by it and threw him to the floor. The girl shrieked and covered her naked chest but I completely ignored her. The thing controlling me was out for blood, his blood, to be precise.   

"YOU!" I snarled, stalking toward him as he shot up and began backing away from me, hands raised, trying to calm me down. "YOU'RE AND ASSHOLE, YOU KNOW THAT?" I shouted, fury making me say things I would never normally say. Claws lengthened, replacing my nails. 

"Alice...Calm down." Jason said gently, although there was a nervousness to his voice. I shook my head, still stalking toward him.    "You LEFT me! Confused, scared, alone. And WHY? To FUCK A GIRL! YOU DO KNOW THIS IS YOU'RE FAULT, RIGHT!?" I roared. Jason took a step closer to me the way a person would walk toward a rabid dog.  

" need to calm dow. You could hurt someone." He said firmly, still walking closer. I narrowed my eyes

"And hopefully that someone'll be you." I growled.   

"What the hell! You freak!" A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see the girl, now with her shirt on. I sneered at her and something surged through me.  

"Turn around, leave and forget this ever happened." I growled. She suddenly stiffened and her eyes glazed over. she turned around and walked out. As I was distracted with her, Jason lunged at me, wrapping his strong arms around, rendering them useless. He kicked my legs out from under me and I found myself pinned in the same position the girl had been before I interrupted. It was silent in the class room besides our panting. Jason's Naked chest heaved up and down with adrenaline and as did mine. Jason's dark eyes reflected mine. My eyes were glowing white and dimmed back into their light caramel color as my shock consumed be, driving out the rage. I found myself back in the driver's seat.   

"Sorry." Jason's deep voice rung through the air, breaking the silence. I blinked, staring up at him. 


"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you. It was selfish and I shouldn't have done it." He said quietly, staring right back at me. I gulped, slowly nodding. 

  "I'm sorry too. I don't know what happened. I just got mad and-" Jason cut me off, understanding in his eyes. 

  "I know. That's another reason why I shouldn't have left you" 

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