So I guess they don't like each other...

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"Well since you both refuse to talk and are gathering an unwanted crowd, let us take this discussion elsewhere, shall we?" The two boys opened their mouths to protest but a rough yank by the tall man silenced them. He ushered to me and Jennifer to follow along as he dragged the unwilling pair to a medium sized dark purple tent a little ways away from the edge of the carnival. He roughly threw them inside before striding in himself and I followed timidly behind. A man so tall would scare anyone, especially when he could throw two supernatural beings around like rag-dolls. He sat down on a chair behind a simple wooden desk and pointed for us to take a seat on the bean-bag chairs in front of it. We each took a seat, Jason next to me and opposite from Max who was glaring at him from across his sister, as she was sitting awkwardly in the middle. It was dead silent until the tall man spoke.

"My name is Romano." He introduced himself. "Now what seems to be the problem?" We all stayed quiet, as if we were all mute. I defiantly wasn't going to be the first to speak. He looked at the blond Adonis with a stern face. "Would you like to say anything, Maxwell?" Max looked around, everywhere other than Romano's face.

"No. I think I'd rather stay quiet." Romano raised an eyebrow and looked at Jason.

"And you?" Jason just shrugged.

"Nah. I'm good." He then looked at me and I shrunk back as much as posible.

"How about you, dear?"I bit my lip and tried not too look into his hazy blue eyes. It looked like he was blind but he didn't act like it. His eyes unnerved me and I snapped.

"They were fighting...or at least going to." I whispered timidly. Jason shot me a dirty look for ratting him out. Romano nodded as he looked at each of us.

"I figured that was the case. And may I ask why?" The room was silent once more. Romano nodded and stood up. "Since you do not want to tell me, than you will resolve this on your own. You are not aloud to leave this tent without talking out whatever your argument was." He strode out of his tent and was gone. After a few minutes Jason stood up and strode out. Or at least tried to. Right at he was about to cross outside, a force pushed him back.

"What the shit?" He growled. He tested the exit again and again and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even stick his hand outside. He turned around and walked over to the mahogany desk and looked through Romano's belongings. He pulled out a small brown bag that had a string holding it closed. He tried to open the bag but it wouldn't budge. He threw it at the tent wall angrily and it bounced off before it could even hit the actual wall. He let out an irritated sigh and ran a hand through his thick black hair.

"The bastard put a spell on the damn tent. We can't get out until we talk this out. Fuck." I stared at Jason with wide eyes. He looked like a caged animal. He paced in circles and muttered curses. I had a feeling that being trapped in here was giving him some sort of anxiety. There were certain things that made Jason uncomfortable that I began to notice. Like physical contact. He was a very touchy person but if he isn't the one indicating the contact, he gets stiff and uncomfortable, like that time I hugged him. And I was positive that he needed to be in control at all times and have a way out so I guessed that was the reason why Jason looked very angry as we all watched him pace the tent.

"Relax, Jason." I stood up to try to calm him down a bit but I made sure not to touch him. His eyes darted to mine and I couldn't look away. We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds before Max interrupted. And that was when all hell broke through.

"What? Is the doggy feeling caged?" Faster that I had ever seen him move, Jason had Max up in the air by the collar of his shirt, about to land a punch. Max swiftly got out of his hold, a snake-like hiss coming from him. Fangs elongated from where his canines were but I noticed that they weren't like the vampire's that attacked me. The vampier's fangs were thin like a syringe and long and were about the size of my middle finger. Max's were the type you would see on any Hollywood vampire. Except he wasn't a vampire.

A deep threatening growl emanated from Jason's chest and his eyes began to- I kid you not- glow an odd, neon blue. "Bring it on, ho." I connected an alarmed gaze with Jennifer and she looked just about as scared as I was, they were going to tare each other apart.

Max took a threatening step towards Jason and I rushed over to him and shove at his chest, trying to get him as far from Jason as I could in this tent. A snarl came from Jason.

"Alice. Get away from him. Now. " I immediately did as he said, scared of what he would do if I didn't. Max let out a cold, sarcastic laugh.

"Over protective, aren't we?" Max wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him with a mocking smile towards Jason. " I mean, I would be too. She's so interesting and her scent is simply amazing." He murmured as his nose trailed up and down my neck My breath was caught in my throat and I couldn't do anything to pull away from him. I suddenly didn't was to. I let out a content sigh and closed my eyes when he placed a light kiss at the base of where my shoulder and neck met.

My eyes snapped open when Max's arms were roughly yanked away from around me and stumbled back from the euphoric haze I had been under once again. He really needed to stop doing that. Max and jason were now on the ground, wrestling for the upper hand. Jason landed a few punches but max repaid them with a few of his own. I snapped out of what I was under and signaled for Jennifer to help me out. Her soft brown eyes momentarily widened but she nodded. She raised her hands toward both boys and pushed out sideways with them and suddenly, they both flew back away from each other and landed in the two furthest corners of the tent. I stared at her with curious eyes.

"My mother was a wind fey." She said softly as she gracefully sat down on the desk and kept both boys from getting back up with a wave of her hands.

"Sis, you can let me up now. I promise I wont hurt the mutt."

"What a cheep shot. Asshole."

"Bitch. Oops, sorry, that was your mother." A snarl came from Jason and he tried to get back up but Jennifer held him back with some effort.

"I'll kill you as soon as I get out of here." He growled. Max just gave him a smug smile. "It's just a shame that I didn't get to finish third base with your sister. I'm sure she would have been a good lay." Max's smile fell right off his face and a low hiss filled the room. Jennifer was scarlet and looked anywhere other than the people in the tent.

"Why don't you guys like each other? You just met! I mean, I get that jason was a jerk but other than that, you can't just want to kill each other." I reasoned.

"Because he's a duché-"

"He's a slut-" they answered at the same time. I sighed and slid a hand down my face tiredly. So I guess they're not friends...

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