My First Day of School? Wonderful. (Note: Sarcasm)

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My book's theme song! (proud smile cuz figured out how to use thiz :])------------->


You know when they tell you be careful of what you wish for? Ya... I didn't listen.

I always wanted to be special, different from others. I would always read books and stories about all the heroes and heroins with their extraordinary gifts and powers. I would dream about a day where I could go on a dangerous mission to save the world. Ya, I was a cheesy nerd.

I just moved from Pennsylvania to Florida because my adopted mother hated the cold. Me? Naw! I loved it even though my whole my family hated it. I guess that's another sign that I don't belong with them, adding to the obvious fact that I look nothing like the rest of my family. My adopted mother has blonde hair like my sister but her eyes are green. My sister's eyes are blue. My adopted dad has black hair like me but that's the only similarity I have with any of my family members because he has grey eyes. Basically, I look like a cheep Honda with my black hair and brown eyes next to three Convertibles. I was born in Pennsylvania...well that's what my mom says. So I've lived in the small two story house in the city my whole life. I would walk my dog down the block and I hang out with all my friends. Since they were my neighbors we would go out constantly.

Did my house suck? Ya.

Was it a little cold? Ya.

But I wouldn't have it any other way. I felt a bond to the place. I felt safe. Kind of the same feelings I get whenever I rub my amulet. It's kind of like a security blanket. But that's why I was eager to move. I wanted something different. I wanted adventure. Or at least that's what thought I wanted.

I mean, my life was pretty good. My parents loved me as much as if I were their own and I got to go to New York every summer. That's where I got the news that we were moving.

We packed up two months later and we were gone. Even though school had already started.

At first I was excited. I was going to have a backyard! But after the longest car ride of my life was over it dawned on me. I was friendless. All of my friends where up north in PA, while I'm here in Florida. And my cell decided now was a good time to stop working.

Now that I was in a new place, school, life I had to make friends. OK so, let me explain. I'm what you call antisocial. I'd rather read then make new friends. Back in Pennsylvania that wasn't necessary. But I didn't think I'd ever have a horrible day at school, until my first day of school here, and the next, and the get it.

It was sunny, like always. My mom and dad had enrolled me into Panthers High where "We care for our students". I already knew it was a lie.

My first class was science. I don't really like science, well I do. It's just that there's no experimenting here, just reading out of old abused text books. Honestly I've been reduced to just reading the school's gossip written on the books; and I hate gossip. It's sad. Anyway; I was in science class when I saw him. I wasn't staring, I swear. I wasn't really looking at anything at all. I guess I was day dreaming and my head was turned towards his direction.

"Miss Almanzar!" My head snapped up to see that everyone was staring at me... including the teacher. "I know that Mr.Oliveira is handsome but will you stop gawking at him?" I was just coming back from my day dream so,like an idiot I stared at the teacher and said, "What....?" The class burst into laughter. Some kids even started to wipe fake tears away.

I didn't know what was going on because the haze of dreams still covered my head. Then I recovered. Embarrassment struck me like a sword to the chest. What a great start.I took my amulet out from under my shirt and rubbed it with my thumb, clutching it close to my chest. It's what I usually did for comfort.

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