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Three months. Three whole months and Jason hasn't even sent me a sideways glance. I never really took notice of this until I thought of him. Then the emotions towards him made themselves known. The feels would come flooding every time I thought about his annoying, sardonic smile. Those confusing eyes with their changeing color. His stupid lush hair that gave the midnight sky a run for it's money, it was so dark. I guess somewhere deep, deep,DEEP--I'm talking chasm deep-- I might sort of miss him. Sort of.

During my three months here, I've noticed some weird things. People here not only bowed down to Jason like subjects to their king-- In which he gladly reveled in-- but they also feared him. Some way more than others. Whenever he walks down the hallway, it's like the parting of the Red Sea. But he's always alone. He's so popular but yet he doesn't have the classic clique following him wherever he goes. Sure, he sits with them at lunch but he looks like a bored king sitting there just to get his subjects to shut up. Honestly, what's with this school? I've never seen something like this. Sure, I've seen the 'schools golden boy' or 'schools bad boy' before but this is different. It's like he literally is the king. People respect him, fear him and as soon as he says something, it's like God himself spoke. The hold he has on this school was actually very unnerving....

As I entered school for my first period, I saw a shiny black Harley park in one of the parking spaces and non other than Jason stepped off. I felt like laughing at the cliché of it all. The usual popular crowd looked up happily-- like puppies in my opinion-- at Jason's arrival but none of them approached him. I stood in the hallway, watching this through a window.

Jason made a hand motion for one of the people in the crowd to come to him and-- surprise surprise-- a slim, long legged redhead bounded into his arms like she won the freaking lottery. I felt like gagging, this was so nauseating. I turned around and resumed walking to my first class.

When I got to my seat, I noticed that the seat that Jason seamed to have claimed as his next to me was empty. He was probably doing god know what with the redhead. Ew.

I took the chance to not have to sit next to him today and called Tabby over so that she could sit next to me in Jason's place, it's not like he's been acknowledging my presence for the last three months. Not that I cared.

"Hi." Tabby sat next to me, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of Jason. She looked nervous. I sighed, although I was nervous myself. I turned in my seat so that I was facing her. She turned to look at me, blue eyes still darting around nervously. I was shocked at how nervous she was. From the three months I've been here, I came to know her as a very smart, strong willed person who took nothing from anyone.

"Look." I said, trying to ease both our worry. I looked down so that she couldn't tell I was a bit unnerved too. "Jason is just a student, just like us. He can't really do anything. So please, just relax." I said. When I looked up, her icy blue eyes were locked on something at the back of the classroom. I turned around to see what she was staring at.  

Jason was at the very back, his seat up against the far wall. In his lap was a curvy blond who was currently sucking on his neck like a freaking leach, his head leaned back against the wall so that she had better access. While this was going on he was having a conversation with the all too eager group around him like it was the most natural thing in the world. I wanted to bang my head over and over on my desk until I got a concussion in hopes of forgetting what I just saw.

I turned back around, staring at the notebook on my desk, disgust making me want to gag. As if I wasn't disturbed enough, I heard a small moan come from behind me. WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE TEACHER?!

Right when I thought that, the teacher walked in and sat in the uncomfortable looking cushioned plastic chair and began to quickly look through a messy stack of paper for today's lesion. As this happened, the blond who was previously having a felid day with Jason's neck strutted past me to her seat, three ahead of mine. As she went past me, I could see a rather large hickey at the base of her neck. The urge to gag returned. It wouldn't surprise me if Jason had STDs.

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