A trip to the movies

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It turns out that I woke up a total hour before I was meant to so for that whole hour I tried to distract my mind from the dream that shall not be mentioned but one thought kept popping in like that annoying alarm clock you can't find, going off periodically. I sighed as I ate my soggy serial with ten minutes until I would have to leave to school when the thought popped up again. 'How are you going to face Jason after that dream, huh?' My stomach clenched in nervousness and I pushed away my half empty bowl, no longer hungry.

I tried to reassure myself that the day would go on without Jason talking to me or looking at me like he has for the past three months but a little voice in my head kept taunting me. 'What if he dose talk to you? What then?' I shook my head and picked up my bag and left the house and walked to school. It wasn't far at all but the early Florida fog that rolled off the ground made me nervous. The sky was still a dull color and big black looming clouds made the setting even darker, like an omen of something bad like in all the horror movies. The small Florida town I lived in was more rural and away from the city. It wasn't country with pastures with cows and farms but more swampy with trees that had branches hanging low and murky lakes that could have anything hiding beneath the glassy surface.

I shook my head, tying to disperse the dark thoughts as I walked into the crowded hallways to my locker but something in the back of my mind seamed to whisper of danger. As I walked through the hallways, my dream popped into my head and I opened my locker with cheeks ablaze. I bit my lip and braught my things out. The hormonal teenage part of me sort of wished that Jason would be standing behind me with that ever present smirk of his but when I turned around, an obese substitute was scratching his balding head, looking very lost. I smothered the disappointment and walked to my class.

When I got to class, Tabby was sitting next to my seat, a happy bubbly look in her eyes that I had never really seen before. I sat down next to her cautiously, eyebrows raised questioningly. She smiled sheepishly like a child who stuck her hand in the cookie jar after being told not to.

"Tabs...what did you do...?" I asked. I watched her squirm in her seat nervously, deciding weather to tell me or not.

"Well...remember Jared?" She asked, staring at her desk. My eyebrows pushed together but I nodded.

"Yeah. The one who's driving us to the movies. Your sister's slave boyfriend." I added playfully. She looked back up at me, her eyes filled with a weird sorta jittery excitement.

"Not anymore. He broke up with her after....after we sorta kinda...kissed." She mumbled the last part. My eyes widened as I stared at her. I wasn't sure weather to frown or smile.

"But he was your sisters boyfriend first..." I said, trying to decide if I should disapprove or approve. Tabby nodded, playing with her pen.

"I know but I really like him and he likes me back." I sighed and smiled, deciding to be happy for my best friend.

"Ok. Just so you know, if he hurts you, I'll kill him." Tabby laughed at that.

"I appreciate the offer but you have the body of a china doll, with your peachy skin, thick dark brown hair and those gigantic dark brown eyes. Your probably four feet tall, you're so short. You're exactly like a china doll!" She teased, poking my cheek with a pale finger. I huffed.

"I'm five four," I corrected. "I could still kick his butt if I wanted too. I could kick anyone's butt!" I tried to defend myself. She chortled and rolled her eyes.

"You wouldn't be able to hurt a slug. Plus, you'd probably brake your hand trying to punch him. Not only that, but you're too nice. I've never seen you get really mad. Irritated, sure. Pissed off? Never. You forgive too easily." She ticked off the reasons on her fingers. I huffed and crossed my arms. I wasn't that fragile...

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