This is all your fault

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I narrowed my eyes at the figure and gripped my blanket tighter to my chest. When the figure turned around, my jaw dropped so low, it was practically unhinged. The look he was giving me was a mirror of mine.   

"You look-" 

  "Jason?!" I whisper-hissed. Then I froze. "What's wrong with my voice?" It was half an octave higher, sounding smooth with a light tinkle. My voice wasn't so high that it sounded like a child but high enough to add a more feminine air to it. It wasn't a drastic change. I still sounded the same but I could still hear the slight change to my voice, like my vocal cords were changed around. Jason slowly approached me, his hands raised in a calming gesture that wasn't calming me at all.   

"Jason" I growled. "What's going on?" I hoped that this was just a dream but it was plainly obvious that it was not. He lifted his hand slowly and touched my cheek, the warmth of his hand seeped through my icy skin.   

"You changed...I didn't think it would all happen so fast. I thought that you would be fine for the night..." His voice hinted at guilt but he barely showed any. "You're not human anymore but from what I heard, you barely were before all of this... It was almost like you..shifted...but at the same time, you didn't." He muttered to himself, his brows furrowed. I was tiered and wanted to go back to sleep but I needed answers.

"Why, Jason? Why did this happen to me? And why did it hurt so much?" Flashes of memory seized my mind and tears pricked at my eyes. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! God..." My voice cracked." It hurt so much. Jason... It was horrible. It was-" I was cut off as a sob escaped my lips. I began to shake as the pain-filled memories  returned. Jason sat down next to me and gently pulled me to his chest where I preceded to sob in for minutes. When my sobs reduced to sniffles, Jason finally spoke, real sadness in his voice.   

"I'm so sorry Alice." He whispered into my hair. "I've never heard of something like you...I wasn't sure about what was going to happen when I claimed you..." My body stiffened at the word and I pulled away so that I could look at his face. The word claimed was in a lot of the stories I read and ESPECIALLY meant one thing in werewolf stories.   

"You WHAT?!" I yelled. He flinched back at my piercing yell and quickly covered my mouth.  

"SHHH!"  His eyes were wide as I glared at him. Out of reflex I bit down, although he told me many times that it didn't hurt him. This time, he actually pulled his hand back with a wince. Sharp teeth marks were engraved into his skin, specks of blood slipping out of the shallow cuts. My eyes widened as I watched the wound heal and vanish. Jason sighed.   

"You really shouldn't bite people when your teeth are freaking daggers."  I felt my teeth with the tip of my index finger and sure enough, they were all sharp and perfectly strait. As I felt them, a slight itching sensation went through my gums and my teeth weren't sharp anymore.  I was going to ask about it but then I remembered why I bit him in the first place.

My eyes narrowed dangerously and with my enhanced sight, I could see the vibrant green flecks in his chocolate eyes and I could tell that instead of his pupils being regular circles, they were almost cat like, but by the slightest degree. I had to force myself to concentrate and to stay mad. My mind was going off track quickly.   

"Jason. What do you mean, CLAIMED?" I hissed out the word. I certainly did not want to be strapped to HIM out of all people. I frowned at my hostility. I was a lot more vicious than I was before. Jason sighed.

    "I swear, it's not what you think it means. It just means that I'm responsible for you so if you get into any trouble with anyone supernatural, it's me who gets screwed because I'm you're creator."

I let out a sigh of relief and sunk back into the hospital bed and closed my eyes, in need of a deep, long sleep but I still had questions.   

"Why did your hand heal so fast? And why are my teeth so sharp? And what's that annoying beeping noise?" I began to noticed a slow beeping noise and it was slowly driving me insane. 

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