A phone call and a argument

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"Hi Tabbs!" Tabby gave me her number right before I left. She asked me why I didn't hang out with anyone else. I gave her a flat look. I was not the social butterfly, I always felt like I was something completely different than my peers. Call it cliché if you will but I always felt something at the very back of my head that I didn't belong. Plus, I'm sort of shy. This is the most socially active I have ever been, believe it or not.

"Alice?!" It sounded like she was in disbelief that I would even call. I knew I was quiet but, dang I'm not that bad, am I?

"Yes, it's me, you don't need to sound so shocked." I made a face, even though I knew that she couldn't see it.

"You're making a face, right?" I gasped.

"How'd you know that!?" I knew the girl was smart, but I didn't know she a genius!

"I could tell by the sound of your voice, I learned that in psychology, cool huh? I want to be a psychologist when I graduate! Plus, I'll know when a guy is lying when he says he loves me. Body language is amazing! It's tough to learn though 'cuz you have to keep a sharp eye out for the little things, like twitching or the way their breath hitch when they think your going to figure out they're lying. I have waited like, forever to finally get to this part of the studies!"

She gushed on and on about psychology but I actually listened completely because this was actually very interesting! Ok, maybe I'm lying when I say I listened completely. I stopped listening when she broke out big words like "frontal lobe of your cerebral " I knew it had to do with the brain after she said it controlled lying but from there the words just got bigger. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I graduated but I knew I wanted to do something exciting! Or at least with a good pay. I didn't want to end up at McDonalds just because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do.

Then, all of a sudden Tabby exclaimed "Wow!" I didn't want her to think I wasn't listening, even though I wasn't, I said with the same enthusiasm, "I know!" She didn't say anything so I was relieved that she wasn't experienced enough to know that I was lying through the phone.

" Look, Alice, we're friends, right?" Uh oh. I may not be a psychologist in training but I knew that voice. It's the voice people use when things are about to get awkward. I squinted my eyes in suspicion.

" Yah, Tabbs?" there was a pause on the phone for a while. And suddenly she was talking so fast I think she only used one breath.

"AreYouAndJasonATthing?" I was silent for a moment trying to figure out what she just said. My cheeks turned red at the thought of people actually thinking that. I actually disliked the guy. He was nothing but a nonstop annoyance. And I didn't have the type of dislike were it turned into love like in the stories. No, it was plain dislike. I also knew for a fact that he disliked me as well. This is high school. Guys that like girls flirt with them not insult them constantly, plus, I heard of all the girls Jason "dated". They were all, tall, thin and leggy. I was short, almost fragile looking and I looked nothing like a beautiful woman. Even my mom said it. I'm the petite version of petite. Plus, all the girls he "dated" had colored eyes, while I had brown, nothing special. They had womanly figures; I didn't even think I had a figure. Plus, I don't want people to think we where 'together'. That thought almost scared me. Just then I remembered that Tabby was on the other side of the line.

She gasped. "That was about two minuets of silence. You are together aren't you!? I DIDN'T EVEN THINK YOU WHERE THAT TYPE OF GIRL! YOU TWO ARE HOOKING UP!" she got louder and louder until she was practically screeching.

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