There's nothing to fear but fear it's self...right?

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All of lunch we talked and laughed and when lunch was over, the little voice in the back of my head was yelling at me to get up and run away while I still had the chance because Jason couldn't do anything to me in public. I ignored the small voice while I walked with my new found friends- yes, I did manage to not completely make a fool of myself. As I reached the class room of my next period, the little voice at the back of my head turned into a loud, panicked scream. 'RUN AWAY!' It was saying. 'RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!' I shoved my panic away, refusing to succumb to my fears. My heart seamed to want to listen to the voice because it felt like it was trying to push it's way up my throat and make a break for it.

I took a deep breath and sat in my seat, calming myself down. This was ridiculous! Having all these reactions because of a guy! This really did prove how much of a wimp I truly was.

I was very aware of Jason when he sat next to me. I could feel his body heat, warming my arm, which was almost brushing his. Was a person even supposed to be this warm? I crossed my arms over my chest, hugging myself so that my skin wouldn't touch his. I was already having heart problems, I didn't need a heart attack.

What Jason did next shocked me beyond speech. He smiled a me! Smiled! After I yelled at him and everything- in front of everyone! I thought he would be really angry!

He waited for me to respond, but my brain was sort of fizzed out. I was confused as to why he would smile at me at all. That and him smiling was sort of breath taking. His perfect- I mean soft- I mean his lips were slightly pulled up in a gentile smile that was barely there but still had quite an effect on me. Then again, it probably has that effect on all females.

'Get a hold of yourself, Alice!' I mentally shook my head, desperately trying to get back to reality.

His gentile smiled stretched out into a full blonde grin when he saw my shock, but the sharp, mocking edge was back to it, reminding me that I didn't like him and I didn't find him attractive at all...yeah...

" You know, I didn't think you had the balls to yell at me like you did back there. I could've sworn that you were a priss, afraid of your own shadow. Guess not, though."

I couldn't breath.

" What?" Was all that came out of my mouth as a result. I really sounded like an idiot. He chuckled and waved his hand in front of my face. I didn't even blink, frozen in a flurry of emotion. He laughed this time, amusement clear in his eyes as well as curiosity.

" Heloooo?" He exadgurated the 'O'

" Is anyone there?" Now he was just taunting me. I made the mistake of looking into his multicolored eyes and my brain- which recently started to function again- fizzled out once more.

" yeah. There- there's someone here." I attempted to sound sarcastic and snippy but instead, I stuttered, sounding unsure of myself and even a bit breathy. Why wasn't he mad? And why was I so mesmerized by his stupid smile? He was the incarnation of annoyance for heaven's sake! I turned away from him and stared at the desk top infront of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shake his head, an amused smirk on his lips. I silently did the work the teacher assigned us, finishing early. I used the extra time to try to organize my thoughts.

Why did my heart flutter when he smiled at me? Even if it was a mocking one? He's not even a friend. And why did my voice get stuck I'm my throat when I looked into his eyes? Why was he even so interested in me? Not only that, but why where others watching me as well. I'm not paranoid. I've caught people watching me from the corner of their eyes and it was always the same look. Curiosity and confusion. I would also catch Jason giving them warning looks and they would bow their heads, as if showing respect. What teenager in highschool dose that? And who the heck bows? I've also noticed that Jason was more aggressive toward guys. I mean, I get the testosterone and all that but not like this.

As I thought of all the times I've seen this happen out of the corner of my eye, a memory of one of those incidents came to mind.

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