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"You know.... I'm not going to be bashful.... Your fucking ass is amazing." Anna had a confident smile on her lips at the words said into her ear. She was silently thanking the fact that Julia and Skye had to go back home rather than come out leaving her to be able to have some fun.

"You sure you're not going to get beat down for saying that?" Anna questioned Cassidy getting a chuckle from him.

"They won't do anything. Their warning is about as far as they go. They know you can handle yourself and can tell me to fuck off. Plus they're all busy." He couldn't help the fact that he was pressed into her by the group that had formed behind them. His jaw tensed for a moment as she was forced to brace herself on the bar. His hand found it's way to the bar top before he pushed back forcefully stopping her from being crushed. "Fucking idiots...."

"They are.... But I'm not going to tell you to fuck off." A smirk formed along his lips as their eyes met.

"Is that so?" Once again he could feel himself get pushed into her and as much as he tried to stop it he couldn't. "Are you fucking kidding...?" Toni who had been discreetly watching the interaction between Cassidy and Anna could see the anger appear along his face.

"'Raya...." Saraya turned towards her and gave her a questioning look before Toni motioned towards the two across the bar.

"She can handle him but we both know he's not going to do a thing...." Their eyes met.

"Do we really?" It was almost as if on cue that Anna turned around and grabbed the collar of Cassidy's shirt.

"I don't fuck with guys that fight." Anna said into his ear distracting him from the people pressing into him.

"But you fuck wrestlers...." She laughed as her other hand landed along his collarbone.

"I used to but I learned better. Not everyone finds a Juice." He chuckled as a smile appeared along his lips.

"Tell me about it. I'm still pissed at Toni for stealing him." She laughed at his words. "Though...." The hand that wasn't steadying himself along the bar moved to rest along her hip his fingertips just along the curve of her ass. "Means I'm not tied down." A smirk formed along her lips to match his. Just as he went to say something else he was smashed into causing him to crush Anna against the bar.

"Cassidy." Her tone was stern as she caught his arm just as he was about to elbow the person behind him. Their eyes met and he knew she was serious. "I'm-." She was cut off as he was sent into her again. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Anna moved around Cassidy. "Asshole would you turn the fuck around and realize there's people behind you!" As angry as he was Cassidy caught Anna by the waist as she got face to face with the person who had bumped into them.

"S-Sorry." The person stuttered before Anna was carefully pulled away and towards where Saraya and Toni were.

"Wow.... You actually didn't punch him." Toni's comment was directed at Cassidy but both he and Anna answered in unison.

"He was fucking lucky." When they exchanged a glance he couldn't help but laugh.

"I was talking to him but Cass thank you for not letting her be stupid and Anna thank you for stopping his dumb ass." They both nodded at Toni's words. "Now who wants a drink?" They all nodded before she ordered for them all.

"Really tequila?" Anna smirked as she nodded at Cassidy's words.

"Can't handle real liquor?" Toni and Saraya were laughing. "Oh god there's gotta be a story behind this."

"Oh there is." Saraya said as she looked over at Cassidy who groaned.

"Juice and I got absolutely blasted on tequila one night and I mean fucking blasted. Now this was right after they had gotten engaged so he was still trying to keep me painted in this good light even though there's no fucking way to do that. So needless to say we get blasted and I can't find my phone to call an Uber and both of us had lost our wallets so the only other option was to use Juices phone to call Toni because she was the only sober person we knew." Toni was biting back her laugh. "Well as Juicey sat there trying to convince her that she was the best person in the world for driving us back, I'm trying not to puke in the backseat because her driving is awful. So just as we hit this curvy ass road tequila the song comes on. Between the road, the tequila in my stomach and the song making it seem like I was on a roller coaster ride my head stuck out the window and yeah...."

"You're forgetting the part where I rolled the window up on you because your drunk ass almost fell out." He looked over at Toni.

"And I will say it again. Your driving is fucking awful." He hid behind Anna when the blonde tried to hit him.

"You're a little bitch hiding behind her." He laughed.

"I've taken enough abuse from you over the years." He stated. "Remember the broken nose."

"Oh you deserved that one. Don't blame her for that." Saraya butt in. "You've deserved about ninety percent of the things that have happened to you Cassidy."

"I will agree to disagree on that." He said as their drinks finally arrived. As Saraya and Toni went back to their conversation Cassidy turned towards Anna. "You're going to quickly learn I'm not a saint but I'm also not an ass. Sorry about.... That." He said as his eyes flicked back towards the group of people that had pushed into them.

"Not a big deal. I take bumps worse than that at practice." He chuckled.

"Still don't get why you all wrestle." Her eyes met his.

"Could say the same thing to you." He lightly laughed before taking a sip of his drink.

"There's a lot of different ways to express yourself in food. Plus I get to visit all kinds of different places and kitchens. Not ones the same." Their eyes met for a moment. "I.... We seriously aren't going to get a chance to properly talk.... Give me a second." Anna looked at him curiously for a moment before he carefully moved around her, his hand lingering along her lower back as he did. Once he had separated from her she watched as his arms draped over Saraya and Jamie's shoulders. "Do we have a problem here?" Though neither woman made it obvious they both pulled on the back of his shirt signaling a yes.

"Nah man we're good." Cassidy chuckled. "You can go back to your chick."

"I'll go back to her when I'm ready don't need to be told by you." The two men's eyes met. "Now. I'd suggest that you turn around and go back to your friends before these lovely ladies make you." As the other man laughed Cassidy's look turned cold. "You know that was the better option...." Jamie had a fistful of his shirt as Saraya's fingers laced with his keeping his dominant arm over her shoulders. "I'll give you five seconds to get the fuck out of here before I make you." Just as the other man chuckled Juice came over and grabbed his shoulder before pushing him away.

"Fuck off man none of them are interested in you." Juices words were nothing but truthful. The other man glared at the group before slowly retreating back to his. "Fucking idiot.... Baby boy I swear...." The two men's eyes met.

"I wasn't going to do a thing." Jamie, Toni, Saraya and Juice all looked at him knowing he was lying. "Fine.... Sorry won't happen again." Toni's eyes rolled knowing his words weren't truthful.

"Just stay out of trouble would you baby boy?" A groan escaped Cassidy's lips before he was hit.

"Troubles my middle name Juicey. We all know that." Jamie hit him before pushing him back towards Anna.

"Stay out of trouble you idiot." She said before his eyes met Anna's. Her eyebrow raised for a moment before he ordered them new drinks.

"You know I'm not lying when I say I don't fuck with guys who fight." When his arm draped over her shoulders she had to stop herself from leaning into him.

"Good thing I didn't fight then eh?" She lightly hit him in the stomach causing him to chuckle. "I.... Like I said before. I'm not a saint but I'm also not an ass that's going to sit there and watch a dude harass them."

"So what you're trying to say is you're protective of them?" His eyes met hers before he chuckled.

"I guess so." There was a slight smile along her lips. Anna's eyes met Cassidy's before she spoke.

"Protective I can deal with."

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