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"Unnnccclllleeeee Caaaaaaaaaaasssssssss!!!!!" Nora scrambled out of Renee's arms before running towards Cassidy who was crouched down with his arms outstretched waiting for her. The small body smashed into his sending him to the ground as he laughed.

"What is...?" Toni trailed off as she turned and saw Cassidy in a chefs jacket. Her eyes flicked to Renee who was smiling.

"Merry Christmas Ladies!" She exclaimed with a smile. "I had enough with you all complaining about catering so I called in a favor." Jamie, Saraya and Toni exchanged a glance before Jamie spoke up.

"What did you make?" A chuckle escaped Cassidy's lips as he stood up bringing Nora with him as he did.

"As you ladies would say...." He could see all their eyes light up. "A proper Christmas spread." Another glance was exchanged before all three of them bolted out of the room and towards catering all while he laughed. "Renee...." Renee looked at him as her eyebrow raised. "What have you been feeding this one? Because I want to grow like her." A laugh escaped her lips before she pulled him in for a side hug.

"Thank you for this. You have no idea how long I thought about a gift for them all and this wound up being perfect for everyone." There was a smile along his lips as he nodded.

"Was the least I could do and anyway was planing on going to Florida to see Juicey for Christmas so just puts me closer." As he felt Nora's head move to rest along his shoulder he looked over at her. "Are you bored or tired?"

"Tired." Just as Julia walked into the room she could see a pout form along Cassidy's lips. She couldn't help but keep her eyes on him as she quietly set her things down.

"But I just got here...." When he whined Nora's hand came up and covered his mouth. "I will bite you." The young girls head snapped away from his shoulder before their eyes met.

"No you won't." She said as her hand stayed in its place. Both Renee and Julia were biting back laughter at the interaction. "Biting is bad and that means Santa won't give you any presents." A light chuckle escaped his lips. Their eyes were locked as Nora's hand stayed in place. That's when his mouth opened. Nora's eyes got wide and just as she thought she was going to bite her he licked the young girls hand. "Ewwwwwww! Mommmmyyyyyy!" As Cassidy laughed she wiped her hand off on his shirt before going back to Renee. The two adults exchanged a glance and Renee knew she needed to get out of the room before they both lost it.

"My lord that was evil." Julia said causing Cassidy to laugh as their eyes met.

"She always does that to me. Never given me the Santa line though. That was a new one." He said as he moved towards her. "You hungry?" Her eyebrow raised. "Well.... There's a spread in catering...."

"Did you make it?" He chuckled as he nodded.

"Was Renee's Christmas gift to everyone.... But in a way kinda stole it from her because I ripped up the check she gave me." Her eyes met his. "It's Christmas.... And I was planning on coming out this way to see Juice and his family for it. Gave me an excuse to be on this side of the country."

"You don't have to explain to me." He chuckled softly as he nodded.

"I know.... I just wanted to." They exchanged a smile before she could see his hands move into his pockets. Well they had for a second until she could see him try and adjust his jacket.

"Feel like you need to just ditch that and be comfortable." He chuckled.

"I will later. But I'll be fine for now.... Would.... Uh.... Would you like to go eat though...? I don't want to keep you." Her eyes found their way to his.

"You're not keeping me.... I was running late to being early.... If that makes you feel any better." A smile appeared along his lips as he laughed.

"A little.... I just don't want to be a bother...." Her head shook.

"You're not a bother in the slightest." Though neither noticed her hand had been resting along his side. It was only when she started to lean forward that she realized what she had been doing. "Actually is nice to get to see you again."

"Yeah it is." There was a gentle smile along his lips as their eyes met. "I've.... I've been wanting to get to properly know you.... I know we can't right now but...."

"You still going to be in town tomorrow?" He nodded.

"I honestly have no true plans." Her eyes met his.

"Not even for Christmas?" His head shook. "Want to come to Atlanta?" His eyebrow raised. "Just an offer. I know you said something about possibly going to see Juice but if you...."

"I would honestly love a quiet Christmas with absolutely nothing to do but chill. One condition though...." Her eyebrow raised. "I cook breakfast but Chinese for dinner."

"Done." He chuckled as they exchanged a smile. "Okay.... I just need your phone number because I am going to have to start getting in the swing of things." She pulled out her phone and he gave it to her. "Alright...." For a moment she could see his eyes flick to her lips. Saraya had told her one thing to do and she could tell it was going to work. She had to resist every urge to just kiss him randomly. She had to make it worth it. "We'll have to figure out everything later...."

"Just let me know your flight and I'll get on it. Might as well make it easy and I've got time. I know I'm probably going to get dragged to the bar by Toni." Her eyes met his.

"I'll text it to you." He nodded as a smile appeared along his lips. "But if you don't feel like going out tonight you can hide in my room." His eyebrow raised.

"You don't want to...?" He trailed off as she shook her head. She could see him having a slight internal dilemma.

"I get it if you go Cassidy. I completely do." She gently squeezed his side. He thought about it for a moment and when their eyes met he had made his decision.

"T-They can handle themselves, I wouldn't mind a quiet night in." A smile appeared along her lips. "J-." Right as he went to speak there was a loud crash outside of the room. While it barely moved Julia, Cassidy nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Cass...." She could feel him shaking as his eyes tightly shut. When his breathing got rapid she took a step forward her arms wrapping around his neck forcing him into her. "It's alright Cass." She said quietly into his ear. "Was just the crew." She reassured him. She had become used to the noises of backstage and that was the typical crash of a crate falling over. She could feel his arms shakily wrap around her as he tried to slow his breathing. "Slow deep breaths." Her fingers found their way into his hair slowly moving along his scalp. His face buried into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry...." The words can quietly from Cassidy after a few moments. Before he could pull away Julia's lips gently pressed to his cheek.

"Don't be Cass.... Are you alright?" He nodded as their eyes met. "Loud noises aren't your thing?" His head shook slightly. "Yeah.... That I get. I.... I've gotten used to it because it seems to happen at least once a show." Without any hesitation she pulled him back in for a light hug. "You sure you're okay?" Cassidy's lips pressed to Julia's cheek before he quietly spoke.

"I'm more than okay thanks to you."

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