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"Fat ass.... Bad Attitude.... Think only the first part of that is right." Anna couldn't help but laugh as she turned and was met by a smiling Cassidy.

"You know... I was surprised you said yes to this." A light chuckle escaped his lips as he was pulled into a hug.

"Say no to seeing those eyes again.... You think I'm stupid?" Her lips brushed along his cheek.

"Just didn't think you were one for dates...." His eyebrow raised as they carefully pulled away from each other. "I...."

"If that's what this is I'm fine with that." A soft smile appeared along his lips. "I'm just surprised you of all people would want to take me on a date." A light laugh escaped her lips.

"I want to get to know you more Cassidy. Figured this was the best way and since you were in town...." Her hand was gently taken.

"Well I'm flattered.... But if you think you're paying for any of this you're mistaken." She laughed as she gently tugged on his hand getting him to walk along with her.

"And that is why what I have planned is free. Because I knew you were going to be like this." A light laugh escaped his lips.

"Smart thinking." He said with a smile. "So where are we going?"

"You'll see." His hand slipped from hers before landing along her lower back as they waited at a crosswalk. "It.... Should be...." She could see Jack Perry her ex-boyfriend staring at them.

"Everything alright?" She nodded. "Ex-boyfriend?" Another nod. "His loss." A laugh escaped her lips.

"That it is." As they walked past she could see Jack glaring at Cassidy. Gently her hand returned to his. "Hope you don't mind...." She trailed off as his fingers laced with hers.

"Nope.... Not at all." She leaned into him. "You cold?" Her head shook.

"Are you?" He chuckled as he shook his head.

"Just thought you were." They turned a corner and she couldn't help but notice that he gently moved her to the inside of the sidewalk so he was by the street. "So why did you two end it?"

"Grew apart and realized that he truly was an asshole like everyone else was telling me. Then he got into a fight with one of our coworkers backstage and that put the final nail in the coffin." He looked over at her. "When I say I don't like people that fight. I truly don't. My brothers used to fight all the time and I hated it. Always wound up having to break it up."

"Anna you know I...." Their eyes met.

"There's a reason for it all isn't there?" He nodded. "You don't have to explain.... But as long as it's a good one and you promise me that you'll hold back when you're around me then I trust you Cassidy."

"Why?" His question came almost instantly.

"It's like you said Cassidy.... You're not a saint but you're also not an ass. I know that you wouldn't be doing it if there weren't a good enough reason.... You're not that type of person. That's all but been made clear to me. Jack.... That idiot.... Did it just because.... Did it because he thought it was going to make himself bigger when in reality all it did was hurt his career and almost fucked mine as well. He's an absolute idiot. You on the other hand aren't." His thumb ran gently along hers.

"I don't go looking for fights. I truly don't. I just.... I don't like seeing people get taken advantage of. What you saw me do at the bar with 'Raya and Jamie.... That's what causes the majority of the.... Fights.... If you can even call it that. In reality it's me getting people like them away from assholes that won't leave them alone." He gently brought her closer to him as a group of people passed them. "I try to keep it to a shove.... Which works most of the time because the guys are drunk as fuck but.... There are times where they're persistent jackasses.... I don't fight just to fight.... Never would...."

"Is...? Why...?" Their eyes met and she could tell he wanted her to ask the question. "Why do you do it in the first place?" He took a breath in. "You don't...."

"I want to.... It's just a bit hard for me to talk about it." She gently squeezed his hand. "Before I go on.... I.... I kinda feel like shit for ruining whatever you had planned...."

"You're fine Cassidy. Honestly.... This is better than the other thing and we still might have time after a loop around this park. Anyway I prefer this over anything." His arm carefully moved around her.

"So do I...." He said as his hand slowly moved along her back. "Alright.... Sorry for the deflection I just thought that needed to be said." Gently she leaned into him her hand moving to rest along his stomach to steady herself. "M-My sister...." He stopped as his voice cracked. She discreetly looked up at him and could see his eyes trained to the pathway in from of him. She almost instantly knew that this conversation was not easy for him.

"You don't have...." She trailed off as he gently squeezed her.

"You deserve to know." Her hand slowly began to move along his stomach trying to encourage his words. "My sister's seven years older than me. She was always the protective one, didn't do anything wrong was honestly the golden child. She.... When she turned seventeen she started dating this guy. This guy was a few years older than her and was a complete jackass. He wound up being friends with Juice but it was only because Juice tried to keep him in check but never could. Started out with the dickhead calling my sister names.... Then he wound up throwing her around, using the fact that he was twice her size to his advantage. She tried to protect me by hiding it from me. Got Juice to come over to keep me distracted.... But I always knew. There's a distinct sound when a body smacks into a wall or a mirror." Anna had to stop her mouth from all but dropping at the words.

"He.... He always kept the abuse behind closed doors until a few years after. He loved to sit there when he was watching whatever the fuck on tv and just completely degrade her. Called her every name under the sun. One day she got sick of it happening in front of me and told him to knock it off.... In response he threw her into a wall and knocked her out.... Juice had been over and while he went to take care of my sister the jackass turns and said 'that's how you handle the out of control bitches'. I'll be the first person to say I snapped but I also couldn't sit there and see the person that had protected me my entire life just get thrown around like a fucking doll." He sucked in a breath as he paused. For a moment he looked down at Anna grateful of the fact that she was still listening to it all.

"My dad kicked me out the next morning. Tried explaining to everyone that it hadn't been the first time he did it her but nobody but Juice would believe me. Juice wound up taking me in while my sister still stayed with the prick because I broke her trust telling everyone.... Especially my dad. Well.... Jackass got out of the hospital and finds her at a bar with her friends. Gets her away from them, took her to the bathroom and...." His voice caught in his throat. "She was in the hospital for nearly two weeks after that. During that time Juice convinced her to move in with us because my dad was just as bad and had blinders on for anything that didn't involve alcohol. I.... I don't...." Her hand gently ran along his side stopping his words.

"You don't need to explain any more.... I understand Cass." He gently hugged her. "You're the protective one now and like I said.... I can deal with protective." His lips met her cheek as she returned his hug. When she pulled away their eyes met as her hand slipped from his neck to his cheek.

"Fuck your eyes." A light laugh escaped her lips before she tiptoed and her lips pressed to his.

"I could say the same about yours." He chuckled as his head shook. "You have no idea Cass...." Another chuckle escaped his lips before they met hers.

"But I do...." His lips met her cheek as her arms wound around his neck. A gentle hug was shared as his next words slipped out. "Your eyes fucking melt me." Just then she knew Jamie had been right about using her eyes to her advantage. She almost instantly kissed him.

"You don't have to be good." She commented as she could feel his hand staying along her hips. A chuckle escaped his lips before they quickly pressed to hers. Anna's eyes met Cassidy's before he spoke.

"I'll be bad when I want.... For now just let me enjoy this."

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