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Cassidy grabbed a beer from his fridge before walking out to the patio. He ignored Jamie who had her knees to her chest and was staring at the fire. He grabbed a log from next to his chair throwing it onto the other pieces of wood before he sat down as far away from her as he could.

"I'm sorry." He laughed at her words. "Cassidy."

"What? If you think sorry's going to fix this shit you're wrong Jamie. You, Toni and 'Raya are honestly some of the worst friends I've ever fucking had." The words hit her like a brick. "After all the shit you did, you'd think you'd at least give me a fucking heads up considering I've always taken the blame for it all, when looking back it's the same fucking bullshit that happened this time. Fall for someone, get fucked with by her friends and then get fucked by everyone in the end. Backstabbed by so called best friends. People you thought you could trust were just playing a game. Tell me Jamie. Since you and Skye fucking orchestrated it. When does it fucking end?" His elbows were on his knees as he stared at her.

"I didn't help Skye. I would've never started this shit again. I just wanted to see you happy." He laughed again.

"Do I look fucking happy?" She sheepishly shook her head. "I've had four fucking people that I care about wash their fucking hands of me. I've got one person that doesn't want to but how the fuck am I supposed to believe a word they're saying. And the worst part of it all is I've got three supposed best friends who fucking played into the bullshit instead of thinking.... Oh maybe after last time we should just stay the fuck out of it." His knuckles were white around his beer bottle. "You know what I've fucking gone through. You know trust isn't my fucking thing and the three fucking people I trusted the most just threw me down a fucking flight of stairs."

"Cass.... We...." Their eyes met and she stopped as she saw the pure anger in his eyes. She knew he needed to get what he needed to off of his chest.

"Don't. You fucking fed into it. Who'd you help huh? Because I think I already know." Her head dropped her eyes trained to the floor.

"Anna." He chuckled as his head shook.

"Of fucking course. Really got her to use her eyes against me didn't you? That's fucking low Jamie. Really fucking low." His jaw clenched and she could hear the glass begin to crack within his grasp. "I told her about my fucking mom. You know how hard that was for me? Then I get.... I'm sorry, I get you hate me, you don't have to say anything I'll just go and leave you alone. I'm sorry again." His eyes met hers. "She gave me the exact same bullshit you gave me. Swear to god it was fucking word for word. You know how little that makes you feel. When you share shit that barely anyone knows then you get the same bullshit speech that someone else has already said. Then she just walked away." His expression turned cold. "Just." She could hear more of the bottle crack. "Like." Liquid began to leak from the bottom of the bottle. "You." Finally the bottle shattered in his grasp.

"Cassidy...." She tried to move towards him but he almost instantly stood and backed away. "Alright fuck it. It's time you fucking knew. I'm over this bullshit and being quiet and having you act like a fucking twat when we've gotten over all of this bullshit. I fucked up. I did and I will be the first to admit it. If I could go back I would've walked the fuck away from the conversation with Anna but I can't." She grabbed a towel from the table next to her before throwing it at him as she saw his hand begin to bleed. "Do you seriously think it was easy for me to walk away all those years ago?" His glare faltered for a moment. "I didn't fucking want to Cassidy but I fucking hurt you. What else was I supposed to do. I had approached Bea with the idea because I thought it would push you to fucking realize that you loved me like I fucking loved you. But instead you went and fucking fell for her. And you know what. I'm fucking happy Toni blew that shit up because you were the fucking twat that didn't realize that the person that actually wanted to be with you all those years ago was standing right in front of you. But you slammed the fucking door so I walked away."

"I fucking loved you. But you sent your fucking friend to ruin it all." He said through his teeth. "And if you even fucking begin to think that I didn't you're absolutely fucking stupid."

"You didn't-...." Their eyes met.

"When the fuck was I supposed to say it? Before or after your best friend threw herself at me? I was fucking twenty one Jamie. I was drinking. I rarely knew fucking up from down. I never fucking wanted to fuck her. I was just trying to get back at you because I saw you all over whoever the fuck that was." Jamie stared at him as the truth finally came out after years.

"You said...." Cassidy's good hand ran over his face.

"Do you seriously think I wanted you to? You seriously think I wanted to see you with someone else. But you constantly said if I wasn't going to be serious then you weren't either. How in the fuck was I supposed to know what a serious relationship was. Best I fucking knew was Toni and Juice and they never fucking saw each other.... Actions speak louder than words. We were always oil and water.... Wouldn't matter if I still loved you now because you'd just go and find another girl to dangle on the fishing line in front of me until you want to break my heart again." She had tears in her eyes as he spoke and she was fighting to keep them from falling.

"I still love you Cassidy." Cassidy's head shook before he stood. His sarcastic response came as he walked past Jamie and into the house

"Sure does show."

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