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"I want more than that." Cassidy said quietly as he pulled the other form fully into his room. Jamie, Saraya and Mariah exchanged a glance as he closed the door.

"Toni was right." Jamie whispered before they all agreed and quietly went downstairs.

"Why did you come?" Cassidy asked as he carefully pulled out of the hug.

"Because you know how I feel about seeing you like this...." Her eyes met his. "And I told you I wasn't washing my hands of it all. You clearly need help.... And to see a doctor...."

"One step at a time." He commented before she flicked his arm.

"You're going to the doctors. I don't care if I have to drag you. I'm surprised they didn't already." His eyes rolled. "Cassidy.... Look. I know that you're still mad but their intentions were nothing but good."

"Maybe now...." Her eyes met his.

"They always were. We were just all stupid and got caught up." Her hand gently moved to his cheek. "I.... I'm sorry Cass.... I really am and I'm sorry I dragged everyone into it. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at me...."

"I can't fucking do that." He said as his head dropped. "I.... I fucking want to be and I fucking can't. I'm so fucking mad at all of them and.... I just can't with you." As she moved closer she could feel his head fall into her shoulder again. "Y-...." He stopped as his words caught in his throat. Or so he thought.

"Cassidy...." The only thing that came from him was a wheeze. "Cass." Her hands moved to his face and she could see the terror in his eyes before he slipped from her grasp and collapsed to the floor. Before she could even speak she could hear three sets of feet come running up the stairs. She dropped to the floor tears filling her eyes as she carefully held Cassidy who was fully struggling to breath. The door swung open and Jamie was the first to speak.

"What the-.... One of yous call an ambulance."

The slow beeping of the EKG keeping and the occasional puff of air from a ventilator was all that was heard for the longest time. As footsteps came into the room Jamie's head popped up.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" Toni quickly asked before seeing tears form in Jamie's eyes.

"They won't fucking tell us. 'Raya's been at the front desk fighting them for an hour. Best she got was us back here with him." Jamie was fighting back a sob before she fully broke down as Toni's arms wrapped around her. The blondes arm carefully reached out before she squeezed the other woman's knee who had been curled in a tight ball crying.

"He's going to be alright." Toni's words weren't convincing to either of them.

"Where's Juice?" Jamie questioned.

"Trying to figure out what's going on." Toni got a nod before Jamie leaned into her. "You alright Love?" A quick head shake came from the other woman. This time Toni squeezed her shoulder getting another sob from her. "What in the bloody fuck happened?" She questioned Jamie quietly as she hugged her once more.

"They were talking and all of a sudden we heard a body hit the floor. Go up there and he was just about blue. We've got no fucking clue what happened other than that." Jamie said in a mere whisper. Toni's head shook before snapping up as they heard footsteps come into the room.

"He's gotten a chest tube. Apparently the idiot had pneumonia so bad that his lung collapsed. They said he should be waking up soon and supposedly a doctor should be in but I'm kinda doubting it." Juice said as he moved over towards Toni.

"How in the hell did you get any of that from them?" He chuckled at Jamie's words.

"Because I'm on all of his shit. They legally have to tell me." He said as he gently hugged her. Juice carefully turned around before removing the hood off the head of the woman that was in a ball in the corner. He lightly poked her cheek getting their eyes to meet. "He's going to be alright." She nodded but the tears threatening to fall from her eyes let him know she didn't believe him. "He will. He's just a stubborn.... What do you all call him.... A muppet? That refuses to see a doctor. He'll be fine. Now.... Tell me you three didn't leave the girls with Mariah." They all stopped.

"Oh fuck.... Juice...." Saraya said as their eyes met.

"Keys now." He said before they were tossed to him. "They know you're my wife and can be told anything that they can tell me. If they have an issue just call me." Juice said to Toni before he gave her a quick kiss and just about ran out of the room.

"My god we weren't thinking." Jamie commented earning a laugh from Toni.

"At least she was there. Could've been worse. Could've been like Juice and left them alone at home without even realizing. Mariah's just probably halfway through a wall with her head by now." Toni said as they all settled into chairs.

"How did you get here so quick?" Saraya questioned the blonde.

"We were already at the airport. I just pitched a fit and changed our flight.... Well actually he pitched more of a fit that I did. Thought he was going to jump over the counter when she tried to tell us she couldn't do anything." They both chuckled.

"Leave it to Juice." Jamie said before the blonde nodded. "Has he spoken to Cass at all the past couple of days? Not even Mariah's gotten a peep from him. He's only talked to the girls."

"Not that I know of but Juice and I aren't on the greatest terms right now. He's on Cass' side during this which...." They other two nodded before they could hear a sniffle. "Don't Love. This was our choice not yours. We all fucked up equally as much. Well actually...." She looked at Jamie and Saraya. Before they all spoke.

"You fucked up less than we did...."

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