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"Come on Skye don't you want one more go?" Skye had to stop herself from elbowing Kyle in the head. She could smell the alcohol on him as his arm tried to wrap around her midsection. Cassidy had gone for one shot with Ruby and Toni and Kyle jumped the instant she saw Skye alone. "Don't be like that Love."

"Kyle I swear to god." She turned keeping her drink in her hand. She looked at him and could instantly see his eyes on her chest. "I'm giving you one chance to go back over to Kenny and them. I ended it with you. I don't want you back nor will I ever. So please. Fuck off Kyle." Kyle's jaw tensed as he took a step towards her. Her hand firmly pressed against his chest keeping space between them.

"You can't tell me you don't want one more go." His confidence was fully brought on by alcohol and she couldn't help but be annoyed by it because she knew there was no reasoning with him.

"I don't Kyle. Now go back to Kenny." She was trying to keep her tone calm but it wasn't working.

"Don't speak to me like that." Kyle pushed against her hand and as he did she could see Cassidy coming up behind him. Skye saw the visible anger in his face as he stared at the back of Kyle's head. As Kyle tried to advance once more she stepped to the left sending him falling into the bar.

"Not worth it...." Skyes hand landed along Cassidy's stomach as she gently pushed him backwards. She could tell he wanted to fight back but he wasn't. She turned him around carefully. "Come on Cass." Her eyes landed on Toni's who was in complete shock. She had been all but ready to break up a fight but instead Skye had almost instantly diffused it. Cassidy carefully got them through the crowd and back to the bar by Toni and Ruby. "Who's drinking what? I'm buying the next round." Skye questioned the group as she carefully leaned back into Cassidy. When his arm wrapped around her, her hand landed gently along his forearm. Though it was discrete her thumb soothingly ran along his skin and she could feel him start to relax.

Everyone ordered and when Skye went to pay she could feel his hand gently catch her wrist before he handed his card to the bartender. She looked up at him and just as she went to say something a beer bottle was smashed into his head. Toni was the first to react nearly tackling Kyle. Ruby went for Cassidy only to find him being just about held up by Skye.

"Cassidy." Ruby grabbed his face trying to get him back conscious. The two women got him to one of the barstools holding him up as Toni and a few others just about dragged Kyle from the bar. "Cass." Ruby's voice was filled with concern as he was all but limp in the chair being held up by Skye. "Cassidy!" Just as he jolted awake the younger woman could see blood start to run down the back of his neck.

"I am going to fucking mur-." Toni stopped her sentence as she saw the state of Cassidy and the group of people trying to get him alert. She pushed her way to him before grabbing his chin. "Cassidy...."

"The fucks going on?" They all knew he was absolutely confused as to what was going on. His hand went to the back of his head as he groaned and when it pulled away and Toni saw the blood she caught his wrist. "What are you...?" Toni exchanged a glance with Skye who carefully took his wrist keeping his hand out of his line of sight.

"You're bleeding." He looked at her completely confused.

"How?" The three women exchanged a glance and all knew the same thing. It was time for a hospital trip.

Nearly ten hours later Cassidy was released. While Toni and Ruby had slept in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs Skye hadn't. By the time they had gotten back to the hotel he could fully tell that she was exhausted but wouldn't admit it.

"Come on.... Let's skip breakfast." Cassidy said quietly to Skye as Toni and Ruby separated from them. She looked up at him for a moment before nodding. She didn't even hesitate to follow him towards the elevator simply looking forward to getting into a bed.

"I'm-." His head shook stopping her words.

"Don't be Skye. I'm alright. It's not a big deal. You just.... You need to sleep." She took a step towards him and without any hesitation he closed the distance his arms gently wrapping around her. She instantly relaxed into him. She stayed in his arms the entire ride up groaning as the elevator stopped and they were forced to separate.

"Would...." She started as they got to her hotel room door. "Would you maybe want to...?"

"Want a cuddle?" Her eyes met his and she nodded. "Come on then." There was a tired smile along her lips as she opened the door. "I-I hope you don't mind but I'll get too hot in this...." He said as he slipped his hoodie over his head. Without any hesitation she grabbed it from his hands and put it on relaxing into the instant warmth. "I'll take that as a no." He said with a light chuckle. Skye grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the bed.

She sunk down into the mattress pulling him into it as she did. His arms gently settled around her. As he relaxed back into the mattress he carefully brought her along with him. Her face buried into his chest and he gently pulled the hood to the hoodie up. A long sigh escaped her lips as she melted into his form.

"Are you alright like this?" She questioned knowing she was draped halfway across him. She could feel his lips press to the top of her head before he nodded.

"More than alright Skye. Now close those beautiful eyes." Just as the words slipped from his lips, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. "Thank you." He said quietly as her head went back to resting along his chest.

"For what Cass?" His hand gently ran along her back drawing a long sigh from her.

"For staying." He could feel her legs tangle with his as her hand moved to rest along his ribs. "I.... I didn't really expect you to."

"Was my idiot ex that did it to you. Wasn't going to leave you high and dry with a fucked up head. Wouldn't have left even if it wasn't that idiot that caused it.... You're too special." The last words slipped as her eyes closed. She barely made it through her words before she was fast asleep. Cassidy's lips pressed to the top of Skyes head before he quietly spoke.

"You're special too Skye."

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