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"So you didn't fuck him?" Julia questioned Anna once they had gotten Skye on the phone call as well.

"No. But I found some more things out." Anna said as she opened a bottle of wine. "Like for one he doesn't fuck friends apparently." Both Skye and Julia stopped.

"Wait what?" Skye questioned earning a laugh.

"Well.... He said he doesn't but I told him about our agreement and as long as Toni and Saraya don't find out...." They could hear the smirk in Anna's voice.

"Anything else you find out?" Julia asked.

"Apparently he almost ruined one of Jamie's friendships.... Bea? I think he said.... He didn't really say much but said that was the reason why he doesn't fuck friends." Skye thought about it for a moment.

"You mean Bea Presley? Ospreys ex-fiancé?" All three women were staring at their phones.

"I would assume so...." Anna said slowly as she thought about it.

"Those two are like best fucking friends how in the hell did he do that?" Everyone backstage knew how close Jamie was with Bea.

"No idea so we're going to have to figure out without tipping them off." She responded to Julia's question.

"You think maybe he wanted a threesome?" Anna laughed at Skyes words.

"No. He said he's not a threesome guy. Prefers to focus on one person." Both of Julia and Skyes eyebrows raised and that's when the youngest woman switched the call to a video.

"Wait.... Wait.... Wait.... How did you go from nearly fucking him to finding all of this out?" The blonde questioned once they were both on her screen.

"Tay." Anna deadpanned earning a laugh from them both.

"That woman has impeccable timing doesn't she." She nodded at Skyes words.

"He had me on the fucking bed and yeah fucking Tay. So found out that as hot as he is he's actually a good talker as well." Julia bit back her laugh.

"Anna are you trying to date him or fuck him?" Anna laughed.

"Fuck him. He's made it blatantly clear there's one person he would date but that person had no interest in him." They both raised an eyebrow at him. "Juice."

"Oh quit fucking with us who really is it?" Skye asked.

"Saraya but he's said that he'd never break up a relationship." They both gave her a questioning look. "The comment Toni made about a ring not stoping him isn't true. She uses it to scare people into thinking he's that easy and that much of an asshole when he really isn't." Julia looked at Anna on her screen for a moment.

"I'm going to ask you again are you trying to-?" She was cut off.

"Fuck off Julia I want him to fuck my brains out. Just like you two do." A laugh escaped the blondes lips.

"Alright.... So what else did you find out?" She questioned Anna.

"He's twenty-seven, lives in Long Beach but travels a lot." They all got comfortable in their spots.

"So how does he know Juice?" Skye questioned.

"Apparently they've known each other since he was a kid. He said something about Juice knowing his older sister but didn't really get much into it. Just said they've known each other for a long ass time. Hence why Juice calls him baby boy because when they met he was like ten and Juice was seventeen." They both were looking at her curiously.

"You think that Juice and his sister...?" Anna's head shook.

"No.... From what I gathered sounded like Juice was helping him and his sister get out of a bad situation." Both Julia and Skye were staring at Anna. "Yeah.... Didn't really want to ask much about that because I didn't think it was my place but sounded like Juice is an older brother to him and Toni's become like his sister."

"So that's why he wouldn't marry Toni...." Anna laughed at Julia's words.

"No he'd marry Juice before he'd marry Toni. I whole heartedly believe that. Those two are two peas in a damn pod." They both laughed. "They literally have a fallback plan if Toni leaves Juice." Skyes eyebrow raised. "Oh they're marrying each other the day the divorce goes through." The two women were laughing.

"So did he ever say why he never dated Jamie?" Skye circled back.

"You know I never really asked that because I assumed it had something to do with him nearly ending the friendship. But I do believe his comment that he thinks she's too good for him. He all but told me he knows the way he acts will never get him a good person, it's only going to get him a night of fun. But he doesn't want to give up the way he is because he travels so much. He doesn't think he's got time to commit to someone." Anna could tell she was being watched as she spoke.

"Doesn't think or doesn't want to?" Julia questioned.

"Think it's a bit of both. Feel like while he likes his fun, he would also at the drop of the hat marry 'Raya if she said yes." When a devious smile formed along Skyes lips the two other woman focused on her.

"You think we could change that?" They both were staring at her. "Oh come on. He's a player and we all know it. Maybe one of us can break him of it. I mean if you both aren't up for the challenge then I am." Skye said with a slight smirk.

"That sounds like a fight waiting to happen." Julia commented.

"Not if we all agree that the second he falls for one of us the others back off. I mean let's be real. We all want to fuck him, we're all going to fuck him and we're all bound to feel something. We know he's going to be playing us so why don't we play him right back. I mean really what are the chances of him even wanting to do more than just fuck us...." She looked at both of them. "Slim to none right? So then this plan doesn't even go into effect but maybe just maybe we can take.... We'll have to find a nickname for him.... But take him and break him of it. He'll never find out because none of us will ever tell him and I'm sure Toni would thank us and like we've always said. No dick is going to get between us no matter how good it is."

"I'm down." Anna said after a few moments.

"Bandit." They both looked at Julia confused. "That's what we're calling him because you know damn well that man is about to steal our hearts. Just like he has with how many other people. I'm not getting my hopes up though...." A slight smirk appeared along her lips. "I just want him to fuck me senseless." Anna and Skye responded in unison mere seconds later.

"So do I." They all exchanged a glance before Julia spoke.

"Then lets make up some ground rules."

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