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The elevator doors opened just as Julia's lips pulled away from Cassidy's cheek.

"Really Cass...." They both stopped at Saraya's words. They were looking at her like deer in headlights.

"I-I didn't...." The older woman's head shook disappointed in his actions. "'Raya...."

"Getting a person home safely doesn't mean trying to fuck them Cassidy." His mouth opened and then closed. He knew there was no convincing her that he had done nothing. A breath escaped his lips before his hand discreetly squeezed Julia's arm. He moved around her and walked out of the elevator.

"I know it doesn't. I'm not an asshole." The comment was said as he walked past Saraya who was looking at Julia.

"We didn't...." The blonde said as she pointed at Cassidy who was walking into his room annoyed at what had transpired.

"What's the game? I can see you three with him. What is it?" Saraya's arms crossed as she looked at Julia.

"There's no game...." She knew the older wasn't buying it. A sigh escaped her lips as she walked out of the elevator. "Fine.... But know. I really didn't even want to be involved. They dragged me into it."

"But you're playing along." She could tell Saraya was annoyed and knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"I.... We're trying to see if we can get him to be more than just a fuck. I.... I'll be honest with you 'Raya.... I wanted it to be just a fuck until tonight.... It's just.... He just.... I'm sorry. Look. I really don't want to fuck with him. I don't even know why I'm saying that, I barely know him and after all this will doubt anything will even happen but.... Yeah.... That's it. I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have agreed to it but...." Their eyes met for a moment and Saraya sighed.

"Cassidy's an idiot but he's a good idiot. I.... I should be pissed at you but.... He hasn't looked at someone the way he looked at you since Jamie and that was bloody years ago. H-He.... Do they feel the same way?" Julia sighed as she nodded. "So they've both fallen for him like you have?" Another nod. "Bloody hell how does that man have such a way with people I don't bloody understand it. Fuck it.... You know what.... I'll help you. The little wanker needs someone to tie him down and stop his idiotic ways. But you can't tell either one of them, or him or Toni."

"I wouldn't dare." Julia said quickly getting a nod.

"And if he finds out I was never bloody involved because as much as he needs to stop being a fuck boy he also doesn't deserve to have his heart broken. I...." She paused. "Bloody hell this is stupid.... But it could just fucking work...." Julia knew Saraya was thinking about it all. "And what if he falls for all of you?"

"Then we're all fucked." Julia commented.

"Let's hope that doesn't happen.... Doubt it will. But let's hope it doesn't...." They both stopped as a door opened. That was when they saw Cassidy exit his room.

"What...? Are you bitching her out now instead of me?" Saraya turned towards him at the comment.

"Cut the shit Cass. We were having a chat. Not everything's about you." His eyes rolled. "Where are you going?" He showed her the ice bucket in his hand before his middle finger extended towards her as he walked away.

"I'm not a fucking child." The comment was heard by Julia as he walked past her towards where the ice machine was.

"Bloody hell.... That all pissed him off that much?" Saraya questioned.

"On the way back Lee followed us. When we were waiting to cross the street he kept calling me a hoe and had I not been between them...." Their eyes met.

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