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"My fucking god Raya.... We fucked up." Jamie said as she paced Saraya's hotel room. "Like fucked, fucked up." Jamie's arm was caught before she was pulled down onto the bed. "We fucking promised him and we did it again.... We're such fucking horrible friends." The last statement was said as her head fell into her hands.

"I was only trying to help Julia because he acted like he did with you, with her." A laugh escaped Jamie's lips before she spoke.

"He followed Anna around like he used to with you.... Wait.... If we were helping them then.... Toni really was helping.... And she was helping Skye...."

"What in the fuck did you do to him?" Juices arms crossed as he spoke to Toni on their balcony. "Better yet.... How could you?"

"I.... Look.... Alright...." She was struggling to come up with any sort of reason as to what happened and why. "I found out about their.... Game shall we say...."

"And you didn't fucking put an end to it?!" He was doing everything in his power to control his anger. "You know what fucking happened last time. The fucking spiral he went on because of Jamie and Beas fucking game. Yet you fucking played along with it.... You helped them.... I thought you knew better than that."

"I did.... Until I saw the way he looked at Skye. He looks at bloody you that way. I didn't want to play along. I didn't want to feed into it. I only wanted the bloody muppet to find someone to finally be happy and settle down with. I didn't fucking think he was going to go and fall for fucking all of them like he did Jamie and Bea." Juices head shook. "I know. I'm fucking stupid. What do you want me to say? You know I'm sorry and that I'm going to figure out how to fix this but-." Juice cut Toni off.

"You're not going to fix this Toni. You're going to stay the fuck out of it."

"Go the fuck away." Cassidy's voice was cold as it came through the door.

"I just want to explain." Anna and Julia had said their peace through the door but Skye was insistent on getting him to open the door. "Please Cassidy. I know you don't owe me anything but just.... Give me five minutes." She could hear an aggravated huff come through the door before it opened abruptly.

"You've got two." He couldn't even look at her. Instead he turned and went to sit on the edge of his bed. "And I don't want bullshit. Give it to me straight or get the fuck out. I'm over games. I might've been a dick leading you three on but you three knew what the fuck you signed up for when you walked through my fucking door. I didn't sign up to have my fucking heart smashed ten different ways." Skyes stomach dropped as their eyes met and she could see that he had been crying.

"I know.... And I know it doesn't help.... But I'm sorry Cassidy. I.... I am going to be completely honest with you and I completely expect you to kick me out when I'm done but you deserve the whole truth." He nodded slowly as he looked away still not wanting to look at her for more than a few moments. "This entire thing...." His eyes closed as he knew where she was going. "Was my idea." His jaw tensed for a moment as the words cut him like a knife.

"Why?" He questioned and she could hear the pain in his words.

"It started out that we just wanted to fuck you.... And then we got to know you. We didn't want it to turn into a school yard game. We didn't want to fight over you. We never were going to. We just wanted to see you happy." He chuckled as his head shook.

"You three couldn't give two fucks about my feelings. Was made clear by Anna and Julia.... 'I'm sorry. Forgive me because it wasn't a game.' They both said the same fucking thing." His eyes met hers as he fought to keep his glare. "It's all bullshit."

"Cassidy...." His jaw clenched.

"Don't. I want the fucking truth. Not the bullshit you three have been writing for months for when this happened. They already said it. I don't fucking need it from you." His eyes went back to being trained on the wall next to her. "Just fucking say your peace and go Skye. I've heard it all before. If you're not going to read the same speech Anna and Julia read then you're going to give me the bullshit Jamie and Bea gave me years ago." The words came like fire.

"If you think this was all bullshit then you're absolutely fucking stupid Cassidy." She shot back. "You played the same fucking game. You don't think we knew that you fucked all three of us." His jaw clenched. "Didn't think we'd share that did you?" She was done being nice. "It started as a game. It did. I'll be the first fucking person to admit it. And then I fucking fell for you. I'm sorry Cassidy. I really am. But don't fucking say it was all a game because it fucking wasn't. You're not a game. You're not a fucking prize. You didn't deserve to be hurt but neither did we. So be angry. Punch another wall. Do whatever the fuck you need to but realize that to me you weren't a fucking game. You are you and I'm sorry that I fucking fell for you but I fucking fell for you Cassidy."

Anna and Julia had washed their hands of it all but Skye couldn't. She needed to say what she had. Cassidy was silent for a few moments. Just as she went to say something else she stopped as he stood up.

"Why...?" Their eyes met as he got closer to her. "Why aren't you just fucking leaving like everyone else?"

"Because you don't deserve that. If they want to wash their hands of this all then fucking let them but I'm not going to. I said you were special and I fucking meant it. I'm sorry Cassidy. I really fucking am. I should've never come up with the idea and should've just taken the time to properly get to know you while they did their own things but I fucked up and I know I can't fix it now but.... I want to try. If you-." His lips smashed against hers.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly as his arms wrapped around her. Almost instantly she returned the hug. "I-.... I shouldn't have done what I did with you three. But I had fallen for fucking each one of you in different ways. I.... I tried to choose. I really did. Came close to making a decision but I fucking couldn't. I really tried. I really fucking did but.... I should've expected it. I knew what I signed up for.... I just.... I never expected it to feel like this. I.... I like you Skye.... I truly do. And I'm sorry for playing you like I did Anna and Julia. I just...." His eyes met hers for a moment. "I don't like commitment. It's never been an easy thing for me.... I-."

"You don't have to explain Cass." His arms tightened around her as her lips pressed to his cheek. "You do need some sleep though Cass." He slowly nodded his arms not moving from around her. "Do you want me to...?" Cassidy's response came quietly and Skye completely understood his reasoning.

"I need some time to think about everything."

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