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"Remind me again why you're doing this?" Skye asked as Cassidy pulled on his wetsuit. Her eyes had been on his bare chest until the zipper was fully up.

"Remind me again why you wrestle?" Their eyes met and she couldn't help her laugh.

"Touché." She said before his cold lips pressed to her cheek. "You're already fucking cold Cassidy."

"I'm fine. Question is how are you?" She looked him up and down.

"You sure you're alright with your head?" He nodded.

"I am. Now stop deflecting.... You warm enough?" Her lips pressed to his and he could feel the fact that she was warm.

"That answer your question?" He chuckled as he nodded. "Still think your crazy though." A laugh escaped his lips as he pulled his hood on and zipped the last bit of his wetsuit up.

"I'm perfectly warm now. Just needed everything on. My heads fine that was just a one off thing and I'm ready to go enjoy those waves." She grabbed his hand pulling him into her before her lips pressed against his.

"Just be safe because I'm not getting in that water." He chuckled lightly.

"You better not." Her lips pressed to his one more time.

"I won't. I'm not as crazy as you." There was a smile along his lips as he laughed.

"I'm not crazy. When the weather warms up I'll take you surfing in Cali and show you how fun it actually is. I'll also show you that the water doesn't get much warmer. Still need a wetsuit it's just not as thick." She looked him up and down for a moment and that's when he posed with his ass sticking out. "Makes me thick with three c's right?" She burst out laughing. "I know.... Still got a ways to go to compete."

"Are you still staring at my ass?" He chuckled and didn't even hide the fact that he nodded.

"What can I say? It's looking extra nice in those snow pants." She laughed at his words before lightly hitting his side. "Alright.... You ready?"

"Question is are you?" He laughed as he grabbed his board from the top of the car.

"I am. Like I said just let me know if you're cold and I'll get out. But also like.... If you wanna sit in the warm car I don't care either." She slipped beneath his arm and could feel it perfectly drape over her shoulders.

"Oh I'm watching this. But if I outlast you I get to say I told you so." He chuckled.

"That's fine. I will easily let you say it. I don't mind admitting I lost. 'Specially to you." There was a smile along her lips as they walked towards the beach. "So tomorrow just so we've got everything smoothed over, I'll go and do my gig and then swing back and pick you up right?" She nodded.

"You'll be gone at what four right?" He sighed and nodded. "Back at nine?" Another nod. "You better come back and cuddle."

"Done." He gently squeezed her shoulder before they separated. Skye's eyes met Cassidy's before he was pulled down and her lips met his.

"Good now go have fun."


"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You'r-r-r-r-e-e-e-e n-n-n-n-not a-a-a-allowed t-t-t-to j-j-j-j-j-j-judge m-m-m-m-m-me." Cassidy stuttered through the statement as he profusely shivered. The zipper to his wetsuit had unknowingly fallen off on his last wave and when he went into the water he was immediately soaked with freezing cold water. By the time he had gotten to the car his lips and ears had begun to turn blue.

"You need to get that off and we need to get you warm." She could see him trying to get everything off but he was shaking so bad that he couldn't. "Sorry not sorry Cass." Their eyes met before she pulled the top of his wetsuit off. She grabbed a large towel from the back of the car wrapping it around his upper body.

"J-J-J-J-Jus-s-s-s-s-t-t-t- d-d-d-d-d-do it-t-t-t-t-t." He stammered out as she hesitated pulling his wetsuit the rest of the way down. She knew he was in boxers but it still didn't feel right to just rip his pants off. She pulled it off the rest of the way and could see and feel that his entire body was bright red and cold. As the wind picked up his shivering did as well. She carefully grabbed him before getting him to the passengers side of the car. She opened the door reaching over to start the car and blast the heat before going back to him. "I-I-I-Its s-s-s-s-so c-c-c-c-cold."

"I know Cass. You've gotta get something more than that on." She grabbed a pair of sweatpants and helped him into them before she got his coat on. Cassidy was just about pushed into the passengers seat before she closed the door. Skye went around to the drivers seat and as she got in she could see him curl into a ball his entire body shivering as he did. "Fuck me.... Come here Cass." He leaned towards her and her arms were instantly around him. His cold face buried into her neck and her arms tightened around him.

"Y-Y-Y-You're so w-w-w-w-warm." She pulled his hood up carefully and gently her hand ran along his back. He leaned into her even more trying to stop his shivering.

"Oh fuck it." She said as his shivering refused to stop. She pulled her jacket off before unzipping his. "Just fucking trust me, its the only way." She said when their eyes met and he looked at her confused. As she slipped into his lap her arms wrapped around his midsection. "Get a button done if you can." She could feel him trying but his hands were shaking too much. She leaned into him and a long sigh was released at the warmth she was giving him. His nose buried into her hair as his arm tightened around her.

"T-T-Thank you." She nodded as her arms slipped to around his neck. Finally his shivering began to slow. "You can say it now."

"I'm not going to." She said quietly. "You getting warm?" He nodded as his head moved to rest along her shoulder. When his lips brushed her skin she had to stop herself from jumping. "You sure about that?"

"Y-Yeah." His teeth chattered together slightly as he spoke. "I-I'm s-still t-taking you o-out t-tonight."

"Cassidy the only thing you should be worried about is getting warm not taking me out." When his head shook she nodded. "This entire trip has basically been a date. Don't even try and fight me on this. There's other times for a true date." A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned into her. "Are you going to be alright if I move and get us back to the house?"

"Just give me a minute." He said as his nose buried into her neck. Her lips pressed gently to his cheek.

"Tell me when Cass." He nodded as his arms carefully tightened around her.

"Can we stop and get something warm for dinner? I don't think I'm going to be able to cook." Her lips met his cheek again.

"We'll order when we get back. I'm not leaving you in the car to freeze alone." He nodded before he gently pulled away. Their eyes met for a moment as her hands slipped to his cheeks.

"You're so warm." He said quietly. A light laughed escaped her lips before they pressed to his.

"And you're a fucking cute ice cube." His lips met hers again. Just as he thought she was going to pull away she deepened the kiss. Her hand was carefully placed along his chest and as his heart started to race she pulled away. "There.... That should help." His cold hand moved to cup her face before she was pulled back into him. This kiss she could feel his heart racing the entire time as he made his feelings for her clear. They both pulled away breathless. Cassidy's lips pressed to Skyes cheek before he quietly spoke.

"You're so fucking beautiful."

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