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"What did you...?" Cassidy trailed off as Juice passed him one of his nieces.

"She's been like this all day. We've tried everything and nothings helped. I would've warned you but your phones been off...." The younger man nodded as his hand ran gently along the small girls back. "You sure you don't need any help."

"Mariah's helping." He got out before Juice could see his expression change as Saraya and Jamie walked past them.

"Cass. Happy face. No matter how mad you are at them gotta keep it cool with the girls around." He nodded before Mariah came up behind him.

"Which one is mine?" Both men bit back their laughs. They both could tell she was struggling with the fact that she was going to have to deal with children.

"Are you sure you want her to help?" Juice dodged a slap from Mariah.

"Only person that I trust that can." Both Jamie and Saraya could hear the words as they waited for the elevator. Juice could see Jamie's head drop.

"Auntie Jamie!!!!" Cassidy visibly tensed as his niece went running from Juices side and into Jamie's arms.

"Hello little love. How are you?" Cassidy's jaw tensed causing Juice to hit his side.

"Not with the girls." The younger man was quietly reminded. Cassidy turned and both Saraya and Jamie could see him looking anywhere but at them. As Jamie dove back into conversation with the young girl Cassidy couldn't help but notice that his niece adjusted in his arms and buried even more into him. "Oh Baby Boy.... I hope she's not sick."

"Cass do you...?" His head snapped towards Jamie as a glare stopped her words. That's when Juice hit him in the side.

"He does. There's no way this one is going to be able to help him with one of them sick." Mariah's eyes rolled as her arms crossed. The other two women knew that she was fully on Cassidy's side as she slightly glared at them.

"I can...." Jamie could see the younger man's jaw tense.

"I don't need your help." The words were cold.

"Uncle Cass I wanna stay with Auntie Jamie." His niece said as her head moved to rest along Jamie's shoulder. Cassidy let out a huff.

"I'm not dealing with this. One of you get her from Jamie. I've still got to pack." Cassidy turned on his heels not even giving them a chance to talk to him. "What's going on Sarah?" He asked the young girl quietly as he walked back towards his room.

"My tummy hurts." A sigh escaped his lips as he knew the flight later was not going to be fun.

"Uncle Juicey get you food?" She nodded. "Did your tummy hurt before or after?"

"Before." His hand gently ran along her back. "Do we have to go to your house?"

"Where else are we going to stay Sarah?" He said with a light chuckle. "You can sit next to me on the flight though. Can use me as a pillow." The young girl nodded into his shoulder as he opened the door to his room.

"Why are you mad at Auntie Jamie?" A sigh escaped his lips.

"It's complicated." Skye heard the end of their conversation as she walked out of her hotel room and couldn't help the fact that a frown formed along her lips. She sighed before walking towards the elevator. Her head was hung low as she focused on her breathing, grateful of the fact that her flight was soon.

"No. I don't wanna go with her." Skye could hear the words come from the young girl that was now buried in Jamie's arms. "I'm staying with Auntie Jamie." The words just about broke Skyes heart as she knew she had been the cause to all of the issues.

"Juice I'm just going to talk to him. You two can say whatever you'd like to me later but this isn't going to work." Jamie said just as the elevator arrived. She carefully adjusted the young girl who was falling asleep in her arms before she walked off down the hall. "Come on Sam. Let's see if we can talk some sense into Uncle Cass."

"What?" Cassidy snapped as he opened the door mad at the fact that she had his niece asleep in her arms.

"Cassidy. I'm not looking to fight nor am I looking for you to even talk with me but you need help and she's refusing to leave me. I don't care if you don't say a word to me unless it applies to them but just let me...." His jaw tensed as he became grateful that both young girls were asleep so he could speak freely.

"This doesn't make up for anything in the fucking slightest and if you even try and explain whatever the fuck side of the story you have you will be dropped off at 'Raya's." She nodded. "Give me her and get whatever the fuck you need to ready. The flights in three hours." Jamie carefully passed Sam off to him before he kicked the door shut in her face.

"I'm still coming with yous and don't you even bloody think about reasoning with me to talk to him for you. You fucked up. Big fucking time and you will not be fixing your mess until he's ready." Mariah stated before she stuck the key she had for his door into the lock and walked into the room. Jamie stared at the door for a moment before a sigh escaped her lips. She went back to her room to quickly pack.

"You're coming with us. I need a buffer so I don't murder her." Cassidy said as he sat down on the edge of the bed the two girls still asleep in his arms.

"You're not getting rid of me until I have to leave for a show. She's only talking to you when you're ready." His eyes met Mariah's for a moment.

"Thank you." She nodded.

"You need any help or...?" She trailed off as she looked around and could see the suitcases packed and by the door.

"Nah. Just chilling now. Probably shouldn't let them sleep before the flight but.... I don't fucking care. It's going to be a shit show no matter what. You sure you're ready for this?" Mariah laughed lightly before she sat down next to Cassidy, giving him a gentle side hug as she replied.

"Told you I would help. I can deal with a shit show or two."

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